About.com - Sutton Hoo - The archaeological site of Sutton Hoo consists of a group of at least fourteen burial mounds, located in southeastern Suffolk, England, one of which is an Anglo-Saxon period ship burial with some of the richest burial goods ever found in the UK. - http://archaeology.about.com/od/sterms/g/suttonhoo.htm
History and Archaeology of the Sutton Hoo Ship - The excavation of the Sutton Hoo ship was one of the most famous and sophisticated excavations of the twentieth century. - http://www.cma.soton.ac.uk/HistShip/shlect70.htm
ORB Bibliographies: Sutton Hoo - Select bibliography of the scholarly literature on Sutton Hoo, 1939-1992. - http://www.the-orb.net/bibliographies/sut_hoo.html
Wikipedia - Sutton Hoo - Encyclipedia of information about the site legend, excavation, and analysis. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sutton_Hoo
National Trust - Sutton Hoo - Excavations at Sutton Hoo uncovered an Anglo-Saxon royal burial site filled with many priceless treasures. Information about visiting the site. - http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/main/w-vh/w-visits/w-findaplace/w-suttonhoo/w-suttonhoo-archaeology.htm
Sutton Hoo - The Grandest Anglo-Saxon Burial of All - The Sutton Hoo burial forms one of the greatest treasures of the British Museum. Includes site details and photographs of treasures found. - http://www.archaeology.co.uk/ca/timeline/saxon/suttonhoo/suttonhoo.htm
Sutton Hoo - Online tour of the famed Anglo-Saxon royal cemetery, courtesy of The Sutton Hoo Society: interactive map brings up information of features of the site. Visitor information. - http://www.suttonhoo.org/
Suffolk Site Throws up New Treasures - BBC News announces that an Anglo-Saxon cemetery has been uncovered during an archaeological dig at Sutton Hoo, where a wooden ship and treasure were discovered in 1939. - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/802819.stm