Institutum Canarium - An international association for interdisciplinary research on the Canary Islands into prehistoric rock art, archaeology, social sciences and natural sciences. -
Beyond the Beaches of Gran Canaria - Article in Archaeology discussing the archaeology of the most populated of the Canary Islands. -
El Museo Canario - Collects and exhibits objects belonging to the natural sciences, archaeology and the arts; a Library where to collect and preserve both old and modern works; with a special attention to the province and Gran Canaria. Includes: history, collections, public -
Two Enigmatic Petroglyphs on Fuerte Ventura - As a result of a one year research project, the author was able to document about 780 panels of rock art exclusively on Fuerteventura, one of the eastern islands of the Canarian Archipelago. -
Pirámides de Güimar - Archaeological park includes museum, auditorium, and leisure area. -
Atlantis: The Lost Continent - Discussing the myth that that the Canaries are the remnants of the lost continent of Atlantis. -
The History of La Palma - A history of La Palma and the Canaries; including its archaeology and abstracts from early writers. -