The Viking Age Long-House at Glaumbær Skagafjördur - Associated archaeological record is difficult to identify on the surface, survey is challenging and settlement pattern studies have been of little help in understanding the Icelandic Viking Age Commonwealth or its documented transition from chiefdom to st -
A Viking Age Farm, Church, and Cemetery at Hrísbrú, Mosfell Valley - Vikings first settled Iceland about AD 870, building a unique farming and fishing society in the volcanic and glacial landscapes of this large North Atlantic island. -
The Mosfell Archaeological Project - The project's goal is to construct a picture of human habitation and environmental change in the region of Mosfell. -
Time-reckoning in Iceland Before Literacy - Presented as an effort to remedy the lack of interest in the history of science and archaeoastronomy in Iceland. In the 1991 Clive L.N. Ruggles edited, Archaeoastronomy in the 1990s. Group D Publications, Loughborough, UK: 69-76. -
Tracing Viking Settlers In Iceland - From Backdirt, combining archaeological techniques with information from the Icelandic Sagas to study Early Viking Age society. -