Italy-Excavati on-Parthian /GNR/ - Irna - From ANSA/IRNA, digs in Turkmenistan are unearthing an extensive archaeological complex that was once a flourishing artistic and political center for the ancient civilization of Parthia. -
Gonur Tepe: A Visit to Bronze Age Turkmenistan - The work of excavation and analysis of this contemporary of the Mesopotamian and Indus Valley civilizations has been accomplished by the Margianan Archeological Expedition. -
Archaeological Missions in Nisa - Aim of these missions is to make a general topographical map of old Nisa and to learn the relationships between each building of the fortress located in the south part of Nisa. -
The International Merv Project - A history of the project by co-directors Georgina Herrmann and K. Kurbansakhatove. -