The Size of the ChineseTerracotta Warriors - Analyse here the height of these figures on the basis of a sample of 734 measurements, in order to consider the extent to which this imaginary army reflects the actual physical size of the Chinese population of the time. -
Terracotta Army Saved From Crack-up - From Nature, a chemical treatment could prevent China's Terracotta Army from cracking up. -
Terracotta Warriors: New Theories on Ancient Artifacts - From, the warriors may well have been successfully fired using a traditional temporary kiln technique, not necessarily a kiln stove as previously thought. -
Terracotta Warriors - Photographs from the Terra Cotta Warrior Archeological Site. -
Museum of Qin Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses - Museum of Qin Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses is one of the most famous attractions in China. -
Bing Ma Yong - The Virtual Museum of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses is an attempt at a virtual recovery of excavated archaeological finds in cyberspace for ancient relic preservation, archaeology research, and multimedia contents generation. -