Osrodek Ochrony Dziedzictwa Archeologicznego - Basic information about archaeology of Polish lands. On the site you will find information about Osrodek Ochrony Dziedzictwa Archeologicznego and other organizations of Polish archaeology. - http://www.ooda.pl
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology (PCMA) - Independent scientific institution established by Warsaw University to organize and carry out archaeological excavations and conservation/reconstruction work in areas of Africa and the Near East. - http://www.centrumarcheologii.uw.edu.pl/cas/index.php?p=29&sid=96c984007ee389aad551d4d9245718cd&PHPSESSID=96c984007ee389aad551d4d9245718cd
Poznan Archaeological Museum - Main areas of activity include prehistoric and medieval archaeology of Wielkopolska, Egypt and the Sudan. General information, history, permanent and temporary exhibitions, excavations, publications, and conferences. - http://www.muzarp.poznan.pl/muzeum/eindex.html