Polish Archaeological Mission in Iran and Central Asia - Currently involved in two major undertakings, the Mele Hairam Fire Temple Project in Turkmenistan and the Bolaghi Gorge Salvation Project in Iran. - http://www.archeo.uw.edu.pl/iran/engindex.html
Society for South Asian Studies (SSAS) - Supports advanced research into the history, visual and material culture, archaeology, ethnography, language, religion and literature of South Asia. - http://www.britac.ac.uk/institutes/SSAS/about.htm
Heritage Conservation Advocates - A multi-sectoral group that campaigns for the promotion and preservation of historical and archaeological sites in and the vicinities of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines. - http://heritage.elizaga.net
The Center for the Study of Eurasian Nomads (CSEN) - Established to promote research on nomadic cultures who lived in, or are currently living, in Eurasia. CSEN and Zinat Press, are subsidiaries of the American-Eurasian Research Institute, Inc. (AERI), a non-profit educational organization. - http://www.csen.org/