The Gertrude Bell Project - University of Newcastle upon Tyne Library has undertaken a 4 year project to check and complete the transcription of the manuscripts, to recatalogue and digitise the photographs, and to build a WWW for the finished archive. -
Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell (1868-1926) - A biography by Danuta Bois of the British archaeologist who founded an archaeological museum in Baghdad and became Iraq's Director of Antiquities. -
Miss Bell's Lines in the Sand - She was an archaeologist, a linguist and the greatest woman mountaineer of her age. And in Baghdad in 1921 she drew the boundaries of the country that became Iraq. From The Guardian. -,3604,912266,00.html
Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell 1868-1926 - A biography by Joel R. Siebring of the British archaeologist who investigated Arab archaeological sites, particularly in Iraq, where she became Director of Antiquities. -