Wagner, Gail E. - Detailed profile of this Associate Professor in Washington University - St. Louis. Research interests include prehistoric archaeology of eastern North America and ethnobotany. - http://www.cas.sc.edu/ANTH/Faculty/wagnerg/Wagner.html
Heiss, Andreas G. - Curriculum vitae and current archaeobotany projects of this University of Innsbruck/University of Vienna researcher. Research interests include plant macrofossil analysis, vegetation history, and especially wood anatomy. Downloadable interactive identific - http://www.holzanatomie.at/eng/frameset_eng.html
Willcox, George - Contains reference material from this Researcher with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Focused on archaeobotany of his research projects in Near Eastern archaeobotany. - http://perso.orange.fr/g.willcox/
Popper, Virginia - Brief profile of this Director of the Paleoethnobotany Laboratory, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology. Research interests include California paleoethnobotany and Andean archaeology. - http://www.ioa.ucla.edu/staff/view.php?subaction=showfull&id=1109879683&archive=&start_from=&ucat=2&
Jones, Glynis - An expert in ancient plant remains and early agriculture, with particular reference to Britain and the Mediterranean region. She is a member of the Sheffield Centre for Aegean Archaeology. - http://www.shef.ac.uk/archaeology/staff/jones.html
Ward, Cheryl A. - Brief profile of this Florida State University Assistant Professor. Research interests include nautical archaeology and archaeobotany. - http://www.anthro.fsu.edu/people/faculty/?ward
Hansen, Julie - Profile of this Boston University Professor. Research interests include palaeoethnobotany, Aegean prehistory, and Eastern Mediterranean prehistory. - http://www.bu.edu/archaeology/faculty/hansen.htm
Fuller, Dorian Q. - Curriculum vitae of this University College London Lecturer. Research interests include reconstructing agricultural systems, approaches to interpreting archaeobotanical evidence, and Later Prehistory/ Protohistory of South Asia. - http://www.ucl.ac.uk/archaeology/staff/profiles/fuller/
Charles, Mike - Profile of this University of Sheffield Lecturer. Research interests include palaeoethnobotany in south-west Asia. - http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/academic/A-C/ap/staff/charles.html
Naomi F. Miller - Personal website with bibliographies of Near Eastern archaeobotanical reports, list of publications, and watercolors of archaeological and archaeobotanical interest - http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~nmiller0
Hastorf, Christine - Profile of this University of California, Berkeley Associate Professor. Research interests include paleoethnobotany and south-central Andean Formative political and social trends. - http://ls.berkeley.edu/dept/anth/hastorf.html
D'Andrea, Cathy - Brief profile of this Simon Fraser University professor. Research interests include early agrarian societies of northern Africa and the Far East. - http://www.sfu.ca/archaeology/dept/fac_bio/dandrea/index.htm
Directory of Palynologists - Organized by country this directory lists the contact information and research interests of palynologists from many subdisciplines of palynology and many geographic regions. - http://www.scirpus.ca/cap/direct.htm
Ford, Richard I. - Brief profile of this University of Michigan Professor. Research interests include ethnobotanical and paleoethnobotanical methods. - http://www.lsa.umich.edu/anthro/faculty_staff/ford.html
Wallis, Lynley - Brief profile of this James Cook University Lecturer. Research interests include phytoliths and macrofloral remains and Australian archaeology. - http://www.faess.jcu.edu.au/saas/staff/lynley.wallis.html
Housley, Rupert - Brief profile of this Glasgow University Lecturer. Research interests include environmental archaeology, in particular archaeobotany and palynology and wetland archaeology. - http://www.gla.ac.uk/archaeology/staff/rh/index.html