International Standard Date and Time Notation
- by Markus Kuhn - An introduction to ISO 8601, the YYYY-MM-DD date and the 24-hour time notation, with notes on week numbers and on implementation.
Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps - RFC 3339 defines a date and time format for use in Internet protocols that is a profile of the ISO 8601 standard for representation of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar - by Graham Klyne and Chris Newman [FTP]. -
Project 2038 FAQ - Description of computer problems with date/time calculations coming in year 2038. -
Date and Time on the Internet - Timestamps - Document: draft-ietf-impp-datetime-05 - An updated proposal to use a limited subset of ISO-compliant date formats for date stamps on the Internet - by Chris Newman. -
ISO note on the standard - Brief description of the standard from the publishers themselves. -
Javascript Code - Parsing ISO 8601 Date/Times in JavaScript. -
ISO 8601 compliant website button - A button to place on an iso-8601 compliant website. -
ISO 8601 Date and Time - Converting and Implementing - How to implement the use of the Year-Month-Day Date format in various computer systems - includes some programming examples and the 'Date Format Poll' - by Nikolai Sandved in Norway. -
Problem F - Standard Dates (50 Points) - A problem set for computer studies students involving programming using the ISO 8601 date format. -
The Many Dates and Times of Perl - A tour of the many date and time handling modules on the CPAN - by Dave Rolsky. -
ISO 8601 - A short introduction to the ISO 8601 format. -
UN/ECE Trade Facilitation Recommendation 07 - The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe - Working Party on Facilitation of International Trade Procedures - Recommendation 07 - Numerical Representation of Dates, Time and Periods of Time. -
Standards for Representing Dates - Useful overview and discussion on adopting ISO standards and four-digit year formats as part of Y2K readiness and future-proofing of software - University of California at Berkeley. -
Changing Your Operating System's Default Date Format - Changing your operating system's default date format to use four-digit years - University of California at Berkeley. -
Date and Time on the Internet - A proposal to use the ISO date format for Internet applications - by Chris Newman. -
W3C I18N Q&A: Date formats - Discussion of date formats for internationalisation. -
The ISO Date Format - Discussion of formats for expressing dates, with particular reference to the ISO 8601 date format - by Peter Meyer. -
Use International Date Format - How and why to use international date format in your document - from the W3C QA section. -
The Code Project: C# Programming - Free source code and tutorial for a Gregorian Date To ISO Date Converter for Windows. -
Date and Time: Week Numbers - Windows date and time locale tables sorted both by country order and by definition order - by Peter J Haas in Germany. -
The Y2K Problem, UIC, and You - Describes Year 2000 fixes for computer systems, mainly based on using the ISO 8601 standard for dates. -
Standards to be obeyed by the masses: Representing temporal and monetary data on the web - [Text/PDF: 50KB] - A well researched paper into the usage of various Date and Time, and Monetary, formats on the Internet which recommends the widespread adoption of ISO 3166, ISO 4217, and ISO 8601 - by Gerhard Knolmayer. -
ISO 8601: the Right Format for Dates - A short description, and guide to usage, of the ISO 8601 format, with some links to further resources. -
54 Weeks in 2000 : Another Y2K Problem! - A short discussion about week numbering, showing how the ISO 8601 standard had fixed a Y2K problem, long before it was noticed in other non-ISO week-numbering schemes. -
ISO 8601 - The Right Solution - The wonderful thing about the computer industry, it is said, "If you like standards, there are a lot to choose from". Provides useful information and background about date format issues. -
The ISO Week Date Calendar - A calendar of weeks based on the ISO 8601 week notation - convert any date into week number and day number. -
ISO 8601 Date/Time Representations - A simple introduction to ISO 8601 date and time formats - University of Wellington in New Zealand. -
ISO Week Algorithm - An algorithm for converting Gregorian Calendar Dates to the ISO 8601 Week Date format (Y2K Compliant). -
Dated Material - Is the Y2K Problem Really Over? - Discussion about the use and misuse of various date formats - Intelligent Enterprise Magazine - Celko. -
Schema Time Changes (Draft) - Useful information about date and time - by M. Davis. -
Info on ISO 8601, the date and time representation standard - A short description of and motivation for ISO 8601, the date and time representation standard, with links to more detailed resources - by Jukka Korpela in Finland. -
The Mathematics of the ISO 8601 Calendar - A comprehensive document covering how week numbers are calculated using the ISO 8601 calendar system. Includes links to many further resources. -
The Best Of Dates, The Worst Of Dates - Just because Y2K is over, doesn't mean programmers are done creating date bugs - covers many date and time issues, especially ISO 8601 - by Gilbert Healton. -
Using ISO 8601 Dates - ISO 8601 Dates: What they are and why they're good - University of Illinois at Chicago in the USA. -
Various Date and Time Format Miscellany - by J R Stockton - Covers written date and time formats, ISO Standard 8601 (with links) and converting to and from Roman Numbers. Discusses reforming American format dates as well as JavaScript and non-text formats. -
Week Numbers In Excel - How to calculate absolute week numbers, Excel week numbers and ISO week numbers (with Formula and VBA). Links to other ISO 8601 related materials. -
Discussion About the ISO 8601 Standard - About 200 people worldwide, who already use and promote the ISO 8601 Year-Month-Day date format have formed this discussion group. Go here for help and advice, or for general discussion. Message archive can be browsed. If you wish to join in, there are op -
International Date Format Campaign - Describes and lists many reasons why the ISO 8601 standard should be more widely adopted in Computing, on the Internet, and in everyday life - by Steve Adams in England. -
Implementation of the ISO 8601 Standard - A list of countries around the world that have adopted the ISO 8601 standard, also lists equivalent national standards numbers where applicable. -
W3C Date and Time Formats - Defines a profile of ISO 8601 referenced by the W3C HTML recommendation. -
New Date - A private site about the advantages of using ISO 8601-style dates. -