Black Holes: Fact and Fiction - Selected talks (slides and audio) from a 1999 Teachers Educational Forum on black holes at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (UCSB); topics: black hole basics, astrophysical aspects, how to build a black hole in your classroom, and the relation -
Universe Forum: Black Holes - Materials about black holes from the national center for teaching and learning about the structure and evolution of the universe; sponsored by NASA and created by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. -
Amazing Space Teaching Tools: Black Holes - Resources for classroom use; from the Space Telescope Science Institute: features an online exploration, a page on myths vs. realities, and materials about astronomers' observations of the galaxy Centaurus A. -
Information and Activity Books - From the Teacher's Corner of NASA's "Imagine the Universe!" website; includes posters, presentations and instructions for building a model of a specific kind of black hole. -
Astronomy 130: Black Holes in the Universe - Syllabus and course overview for lectures offered at Penn State University in Spring 2007. Basic black hole physics, plus some more advanced topics such as quantum foam, wormholes, and the role played by black holes in cosmology. -
ASTR 2030-001: Black Holes - Syllabus and course description for a course held at the University of Colorado at Boulder in Spring 2004, covering black hole physics from the basic concepts to astrophysical applications and Hawking radiation. -
Black Holes to Blackboards: God Divided by Zero - Text written by a high school teacher about simple ways to teach the basic concepts of black hole physics. -
Ted Bunn's Black Hole FAQ - List of questions that explore the basic properties of black holes (such as what happens when you fall in, or how a black hole evaporates). -
How Stuff Works: How Black Holes Work - What are black holes? Do they really exist? How can we find them? Article by Craig C. Freudenrich. -
Black Holes - Basic ideas of black hole physics, plus some more advanced material about astrophysical and quantum-gravity aspects; based on lectures given as part of a course "Foundations of Physics I" by Gabor Kunstatter at the University of Winnipeg in 2002 -