Derivation of gravitational waves in Einstein, Brans-Dicke and Rosen theories of gravity. - Link to paper (PDF) with a weak-field derivation of gravitational waves to quadrupole order in the Brans-Dicke scalar-tensor and Rosen bi-metric theories of gravity, including a comparison with general relativity. By Warren F. Davis. -
Objective World of Physics - Presents and reviews relativity theory, quantum physics, and cosmological concepts, introducing a new view of the speed of light as a variable. By Tom Besmer. -
Mukesh Prasad's Usenet Articles on Physics - Collection of usenet articles challenging some establishment views in science, including those related to special and general relativity and the propagation of light. -
The Relativity Challenge - Information about mathematical mistakes in Einstein's Special Relativity equations, and about the theory of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems; by Steven Bryant. Includes podcasts, an FAQ, and a puzzles section. -
Geometrical Structure of Nature - A theory of everything and a mathematical formulation of a philosophy, from the basis of physical reality to self-organization, consciousness, and the future of the Universe; by M. Erk Durgun. -
Newton Physics - Collection of articles and online books, by Paul Marmet; topics include the death of Big Bang cosmology, how classical mechanics can explain the effects commonly attributed to relativity, how the Lorentz transformations mean that the speed of light is not -
Gravitational Mirror Theory - Introducing a "universe much smaller than the big bang", in which the multitude of galaxies turns out to be an optical illusion; includes pages inviting the reader to consider how Einstein can be disproved using the Hubble Space Telescope. -
Yilmaz Refinement of Einstein Theory - Presents the mythology of modern astronomy, as well as the gravitational theory of Huseyin Yilmaz, which eliminates black holes, the big bang, singularities, as well as the need for dark energy and dark matter; by Adrian Bjornson. -
Why Hawking is Wrong? - Hawking's theories of the universe refuted by the British physicist and electrical engineer Harold Aspden (former Ph.D. student, 1953-54, at Trinity College, Cambridge). -
Quantum Pulse Theory - Introduces a new unit of energy which, together with a geometric construction for matter waves, is used to derive a quantized form of Einstein's relativistic mass-energy equation; by Brian Nelson. -
Proof of the Falsity of the Special Theory of Relativity - Erik J. Lange's exposition of a mathematical proof of the falsity of a popular derivation of the Lorentz transformations. -
Faster Than Light versus Minkowski and Aristotle Space-Time - Attempt to formulate special relativity using Aristotle space-time and interpreting the relativistic boost invariance of any phenomenon which satisfies this symmetry is interpreted as an intrinsic property of this phenomenon rather than a very property of -
A Concept of Space and Time - Essay by Robert Brison about how what we perceive as time and space ("tise") evolved from a single quantized entity in nature ("tisons"). Briefly discusses implications for special relativity, general relativity, string theory, and the -
Mass Theory and Triangle of Velocities - Elementary Concepts of Material World (the attempt to "explain fundamental laws of nature with use of precise and clear logic only") and criticism of the Lorentz transformations; by Aleksandar Vukelja. - - Site offering criticism of the experimental basis of relativity as well as what the author sees as the theory's paradoxes. Includes information on the author's "Personal Aether theory conjecture", and a discussion forum. -
From Paradox to Paradigm - Alternative to relativity based on a dragged ether. Includes an exposition on the equivalence of magnetic and kinetic energy and the derivation of Planck's constant from quantum mechanics and the ether. Translation from a book in Dutch by Johan Bakker. -
Euclidean Relativity - Texts describing a particular Euclidean interpretation of special relativity, including a proposed geometric unification of electromagnetism and gravity (in five dimensions), information on Euclidean versus Minkowski four-vectors, and a sketch of the Univ -
General Lorentz Ether Theory - An ether theory of gravity. Starting from condensed matter theory (Lagrange formalism, continuity and Euler equation) the Einstein equivalence principle and, in some limit, the Einstein equations are derived; by Ilja Schmelzer. -
The New Laws of Gravity - Online book introducing a scalar theory of relativistic gravity, including applications to antigravity, cosmology, quantum gravity, and gravitational radiation; by Paul Bird. -
The Speed of Light - A Limit on Principle - Presents a physicist's view on the question of the speed of light as an absolute speed limit, and the possibility of an underlying absolute time structure. By Laro Schatzer (Basel University). -
Absolute Velocities - website on which the author (A. A. Faraj) works out the predictions of an emission theory of light. -
Special Relativity, Physics - Presents a variety of scientific papers by the site's author and others. Subjects include the grand unified theory, light propagation, a new formulation of mechanics and, more generally, commentary and analyses of the physics and philosophy of special re -
Eight Essays in Support of Non-Relativistic Physics - Account (PDF, 192 pages) of a search for hidden mechanisms in the physical sciences, including the propagation of light, ring models, gravity, relativity and the origin of the solar system; by the independent Research Engineer Arthur G. Gross. -
What is Wrong With Relativity? - Online version of an article criticizing relativity by Guy Burniston Brown, published in the Bulletin of the Institute of Physics and Physical Society, Vol. 18 (March, 1967). -
Velocity of Light - Thoughts by Dane Gacesa on the way that each macroscopic light source is made up of elementary light sources, on the selective sensitivity of detectors for light emitted in this way, and the consequences for relativity. - http://www.beotel.yu/~svetlost/
Einstein's Theory of Relativity in New Physical Model - Essay explaining the postulates of relativity, the secret essence of time, spaces, and matter, and proposing the elimination of internal contradictions of special relativity; by Alexander Poshelaev. Also shows how the energy contained in the parallel spa -
Thought Experiments Which Disprove Special Relativity - Thoughts experiments meant to show internal contradictions in the special theory of relativity, and the existence of a "depth velocity vector" which Einstein denied. -
Einstein's Equivalence Postulate and Spacelike Waves - Essay by James Constant arguing how Einstein's equivalence postulate should be abandoned for the study of spacelike wave phenomena and gravitation. Contains links to other essays by the author, notably about Newton's Gravitation and its relation to Rieman -
Mathematical Errors of the Special Relativity Theory - Page presenting the author's views on mathematical errors in special relativity, and also a new relativity theory based upon the notion of "soliton"; by Nicholas Chavarga. -
The Inertial Mass - Presents fragments of the book "The Inertial Mass" published in June 1998, authored by D. Acosta: "a model that is able to explain the mass in its inertial aspect (not gravitational)". -
Millennium Relativity - Introduces a new theory in relativistic physics to replace Einstein's special and general theories of relativity. Also includes the Millennium Theory of Inertia and Gravity, and a text on breaking the light speed barrier. By Joseph A. Rybczyk. -
Curt Renshaw's Physics Page - A collection of published and presented papers on the subject of relativity theory prepared by Curt Renshaw, including the author's radiation continuum of light, the restoration of space and time, and a look at three-dimensional Galilean invariance. -
Einstein's Theory of Relativity - Illusion or Reality? - An online book featuring a critical analysis of special relativity, from coordinate transformations to the question of antimatter and a new elementary particle called the ELPOTRIN; by electrical engineer Milan R. Pavlovic. Book is available in English as -
Extinction Shift Principle (c) - Presents the "principal axioms on the non-measurability and direct observation of primary emissions", for both gravitons and photons, "not found in the textbooks"; by Edward Henry Dowdye, Jr. -
Measuring Time and Other Spatio-Temporal Quantities - Introduces a "space-time odometer" that, using the cosmic microwave background radiation, measures both common sense time and spatial distances - resulting in the kind of "absolute" measurements whose existence is denied by relativity; -
On New Concepts of Weight and Gravity and their Bearing on Relativity - Introduces a new concept of weight which distinguishes between self-weight and acquired weight and subsequently leads to a new definition of gravity, based on the assumption that all subatomic particles have a "mass-energy field". By Elie Agur. -
Spacelike Tessellations of Tetrahedrons - Introduces a simple quantization of space and time using tetrahedrons; significant ratios in the geometry of these objects are taken as an indication that they represent different kinds of elementary particles. By William R. Olson. -
The Theory of Distance-Time - Defining space and time in the literal way we experience it - via particles -, the author, Keith Maxwell Hardy, creates a quantum theory of space and time, including applications to photon kinematics and quantum tunneling. -