HEP Institutions on the Web
- Index by country; from SPIRES. It gives the full address and phone/fax/url of the institution in addition to links to papers in HEP and people in HEPNAMES.
- http://www-spires.slac.stanford.edu/find/instlink.html
University of California Irvine - HEP - Details of the research currently being carried out on a wide range of experiments. - http://www.physics.uci.edu/NEW/heexpt.shtml
Shandong University - HEPG - High Energy Physics Group at Shandong University in Jinan, China. Participates in many HEP experiments, including accelerator and non-accelerator experiments. - http://hepg.sdu.edu.cn/English/
Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE-Barcelona) - High Energy Physics Institute with research groups in experimental and theoretical particle physics. IFAE participates in several international projects in accelerator-based particle physics and particle astrophysics. - http://www.ifae.es/
University of Hawaii Department of Physics - Information about the experiments on which the groups are currently working. - http://www.phys.hawaii.edu/research/researchIndex.html
The ATHENA Experiment - A worldwide collaboration at CERN to produce antimatter hydrogen. Includes overview of the experiment and a variety of references and data. - http://athena.web.cern.ch/athena/
University of Princeton - Atomic Physics Group - Tests of fundamental symmetries (CP and CPT), precision measurements and atomic physics. Includes links to recent publications by the group. - http://atomic.princeton.edu/
Southampton High Energy Physics (SHEP) - Describes the groups varied research. A list of contact details for all group members is also present. - http://www.hep.phys.soton.ac.uk/
High Energy Physics Web Sites - Index from The World-Wide Web Virtual Library at CERN, mostly institutional home pages. - http://physics.web.cern.ch/Physics/HEPWebSites.html
University of Manchester - HEP - This group are active with the ATLAS, BaBar, D0, H1 and OPAL experiments, and contribute to the Grid working group. The site includes contact and seminar details. - http://www.hep.man.ac.uk/
University of London, University College - HEP - An explanation of the role this group plays with the ATLAS, CDF, Future Linear Collider, MINOS, OPAL and ZEUS experiments. The site also lists details of seminars, publications, conferences, and research studentships. - http://www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/
Workgroup of Prof. Dr. H. Schmieden - Based at the Physics Institute of the University of Bonn. The group primarily work on exclusive polarization experiments concerning the structure of the nucleon. - http://hsag.physik.uni-bonn.de/
AHEP Group - The research of the Astroparticle and High Energy Physics Group covers theoretical, phenomenological and observational aspects of Astroparticle and High Energy Physics. - http://ific.uv.es/~ahep/
Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology - Based at the university of durham in the united kingdom, the group aims to increase understanding of Particle Physics Phenomenology. - http://www.ippp.dur.ac.uk/
University of Durham - Centre for Particle Theory (CPT) - The CPT researches many aspects of Particle Physics from phenomenology to string theory. The site gives an account of these activities, and details of current members of staff. - http://www.cpt.dur.ac.uk/
Argonne National Laboratory - Conducts research in areas of both theoretical and experimental particle physics. The laboratory also works on the ATLAS, CDF, MINOS, Soudan 2 and ZEUS experiments. - http://www.hep.anl.gov/