Heavy-Ion Fusion Science Virtual National Laboratory - HIFS program has the long-term goal of developing inertial-confinement fusion as an affordable and environmentally attractive source of electrical power. Toward this goal, the near-term HIFS research at US National Laboratories uses reduced-scale experime - http://hif.lbl.gov/VNLhome.html
FUSOR - The site is devoted to home-scale activities for making a simple and inexpensive inertial electrostatic plasma confinement device. - http://fusor.us
Staged Z Pinch - Description of a compact device projected to achieve break-even fusion using a pulsed electrical generator that drives current through an annular-plasma shell. Site includes schematics, technical specifications, and links to related publications. - http://fusion.ps.uci.edu/staged/index.html
Inertial Confinement Fusion at GA - ICF program at General Atomics, concept description and monthly highlights. - http://fusion.gat.com/icf
Zpinch Home Page - This is the home page for the Z Machine website, an interesting fusion device. Sandia National Labs Department 9536, The Fusion Accelerator Department. - http://zpinch.sandia.gov