Einstein Constraint Equations - Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK; 12--16 December 2005. - http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/programmes/GMR/gmrw03.html
New Topological Structures in Physics - Research session at MSRI, Berkeley, CA, USA; 9 January -- 19 May 2006. - http://www.math.wisc.edu/~shi/topological_structures/
Principles of the Dynamics of Non-Equilibrium Systems - Research programme at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK; 9 January -- 30 June 2006. - http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/programmes/PDS/
SPT - Symmetry and Perturbation Theory - A series of research conferences. SPT2004: Cala Gonone, Sardinia, Italy; 30 May -- 6 June 2004. - http://www.sptspt.it/
Global Problems in Mathematical Relativity - Research session at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK; 8 August -- 23 December 2005. - http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/programmes/GMR/
MASIE UK - Mechanics and Symmetry in Europe: a series of meetings, supported by the London Mathematical Society. - http://www.ma.ic.ac.uk/~jswlamb/masieuk.html
Oporto Meetings on Geometry, Topology and Physics - Formerly Meetings on Knot Theory and Physics: held annually in Oporto, Portugal to bring together mathematicians and physicists interested in the inter-relation between geometry, topology and physics. - http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~jmourao/om/