Magnetic Levitation and Analog Servocontroler - Site presents original and exclusive experiences relating to magnetic levitation, servocontrol, etc. for a hobbyist. -
The Frog That Learned to Fly - Plenty of materials can be levitated in a strong magnetic field - from simple metals, liquids, and various polymers to everyday things such as various plants and living creatures (frogs, fish and a mouse). -
Shanghai Pudong Airport MagLev in Depth - Discover what a real Maglev in operation looks like. Contains many pictures and ticket information. -
Shanghai's Maglev - the world's fastest train - The future is here, in Shanghai, where the world's first maglev is up and running, reports Ron Gluckman. -
Revolve Magnetic Bearings, Inc. - Design, development, manufacture and implementation of magnetic bearings. The company provides solutions where other bearings fail. -
Urban Maglev - Discussion group and news archive for those interested in low speed maglev ("urban maglev"), quiet trains designed for urban transit, with top service speeds usually under about 100mph. -
MAGLEV-2002 - The 17th International Conference on Magnetically Levitated Systems and Drives, Lausanne. The conference is aimed to present the existing industrialization status, the marketing and social aspects, and application of MAGLEV for high-speed transportation s -
Fun with Diamagnetic Levitation - A simple how-to for creating your own diamagnetic levitation experiments, complete with demonstration images and thorough explanations. -
Maglev Quicklinks - Links to systems currently operational or under development. -