Electrodynamics Textbook
- An electrodynamics Internet textbook project presenting a new, modern, on-line textbook on advanced electrodynamics, free to download and to contribute to.
- http://www.plasma.uu.se/CED/Book/
Lessons in Electric Circuits - Online book by Tony R. Kuphaldt on dc and ac electric circuits, semiconductor devices, analog and digital circuits. - http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/
Magnetization reversal applet - The site provides an applet which calculates the coherent magnetization reversal of an uniformly magnetized particle, also referred to as the Stoner-Wohlfarth model of magnetization reversal. - http://www.bama.ua.edu/%7etmewes/Java/Reversal/reversal.shtml
Magnetic Fields due to a Solenoid - Simple description of magnetic fields produced by a solenoid. - http://plasma.kulgun.net/sol_page/
How Magnet is Made - Background, history, raw materials, and the manufacturing process of magnets. - http://www.madehow.com/Volume-2/Magnet.html
Lecture Notes for Electromagnetics - Lecture notes introduce the essential elements of classical electromagnetism, covering Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves, radiation and scattering, and the Lorentz covariant formulation of the theory. - http://monopole.ph.qmw.ac.uk/~bill/emt/LecNotes.html
Physics 204B - Electromagnetism - An online course in introductory electromagnetism. - http://phys.csuchico.edu:16080/kagan/204B/lecture/
How Magnets Works - This site describes various aspects of magnetism. - http://www.howmagnetswork.com
Electricity and Magnetism - Prof. Walter Lewin's video lectures on electromagnetism. - http://web.mit.edu/smcs/8.02/
Electromagnetic Theory and Special Relativity - In this online book, electromagnetism is described as a physical mechanism responsible for relativistic effects. - http://www.nonpostulatedrelativity.com/
Electromagnetic Rotation - Key physics experiments on electromagnetic rotation including that of Oersted, Faraday, Ampere, and Sidorovich. English and Russian versions. The site of A.M. Sidorovich. - http://sidam.at.tut.by
Electromagnetism - Lecture notes on the fundamental aspects of electromagnetism at undergraduate level, a PDF file containing 93 pages. - http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~hve/MAS207/mas207.pdf
What is the electron spin? - The web based tutorial on electron properties, electromagnetism, and related topics. - http://www.electronspin.org
Power Lines and Cancer - Questions and answers on the connection between power lines, electrical occupations and cancer; includes discussion of the biophysics of interactions, summaries of the laboratory and human studies, information on standards, and a bibliography. - http://www.mcw.edu/gcrc/cop/powerlines-cancer-FAQ/toc.html
Magnet Formulas - A small web site devoted to the vanishing art of practical magnet design without FEA (Finite Element Analysis). - http://www.netdenizen.com/emagnet/
JAVA Tutorials: Capacitance - An applet which allows the user to adjust the properties of a capacitor and observe the change in capacitance. - http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/electromag/java/capacitance/
JAVA Tutorial: Crookes Tube - An applet demonstrating the experiment of Crookes to show electrons travel in straight paths. - http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/electromag/java/crookestube/
The MIT Course in Electromagnetism 2000 - John Belcher's course explains what is happening in electromagnetic experiments. - http://web.mit.edu/jbelcher/www/em.html
AC Electromagnet - Educational page describing electromagnets, their construction and simple experiments. - http://www.execpc.com/~rhoadley/magacem.htm
P10D Electricity & Magnetism - An introductory course on electromagnetism with all lecture notes in HTML. - http://scitec.uwichill.edu.bb/cmp/online/P10D/p10D.htm