Global Demo Web Spider
- Search 56 Physics Lecture Demonstration Websites at once. The web's only indexes of University Physics Lecture Demonstration Websites.
Dramatic Physics Demonstrations - Physics demonstrations for classroom use. Covers Newton's Laws, Air pressure, heat and other areas. Contains instructions for making many of the demos. -
Firewalking Myth vs Physics - Information on firewalking from people who firewalk. Background on firewalking and data on modern walks. Information for putting on your own. -
PIRA Demonstration Bibliography - an up-to-date, searchable, interactive version produced and maintained by the Physics Instructional Resource Demonstration Classification Committee. It contains about 9265 entries. -
Tarzan Swing, PennState York - Tarzan (a water balloon) is swinging on a thread which is cut by a hot wire mid-flight; students must project Tarzan safely through a hole surrounded by pins. -
Video Analysis Investigations for Physics and Mathematics - Contains short video clips that may be used in teaching and learning physics concepts using any one of several video analysis software programs. The video clips linked to this page are also useful in algebra, trigonometry, and calculus studies by providi -
The Cathode Ray Tube site - Images and history of old technical glassware and physical instruments, many of which are used for demonstrations in courses worldwide. -
Physics Behind Four Amazing Demonstrations, Skeptical Inquirer - Physics theory behind four dramatic demonstrations: walking on broken glass, dipping one's fingers in molten lead, breaking a concrete block over someone lying between beds of nails, and picking up an orange-hot piece of silica tile. -
Video Demonstrations, Colorado State University College of Engineering - Various principles and devices, including dynamics, mechanisms, vibration and sound, mechatronics and measurement systems, pool and billiards, and solid mechanics. -
The Physics Question of the Week, University of Maryland - Each week a new question will be posted and the answer for the previous Question of the Week will be shown. The questions involve real experimental physics, so part of the answers will be photographs and short videos of the experiments carried out in det -
Industrial Electrostatics Demonstrations - The project described at this web page was undertaken to develop a set of demonstrations having clear relevance to manufacturing and commercial operations. Some of these demonstrations should also serve to augment the science teacher's or hobbyist's bag o -
Jearl Walker Discusses the Flying Circus - Reflects on successes and failures doing the 'bed of nails' trick, and tells how to get videotapes of some of his shows. -
Static Electricity Generator - How to make and use a frictional static electricity generator which makes HUGE sparks. Also, links to other electricity demos on the internet. -
Electrostatic Machines - Construction details and history of the classic electrostatic generators. Very detailed and descriptive site, with pictures and directions for a wide variety of generators. -