Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics: Disordered structures - Part of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, the group works on disordered structures, topological defects in solids, carbon nanostructures, biophysics, quasicrystals, glasses, amorphous solids, Josephson junctions and granular super -
Birmingham University: Research in Oxide Physics - The programme is a collaboration of experimental and theoretical physicists working on the behaviour of correlated electrons in oxide materials. Based in the School of Physics and Astronomy at Birmingham University, United Kingdom. Materials of interest i -
American Physical Society: Division of Condensed Matter Physics - The division of the APS dedicated to condensed matter physics. Activities include the award of fellowships and prizes, and the publication of a newsletter for the community. -
Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology: Quantum-mechanical systems - The Institute, part of the Russian Academy of Sciences, works on long-range electron transfer in DNA and proteins, bipolarons, and the dynamics of a crystal lattice with defects. -
Argonne National Laboratory: Materials Theory Institute - Aims to attract leading talents in the field of condensed matter physics for collaborative work closely related to Argonne's experimental and theoretical projects. -
Ioffe Institute - One of Russia's largest institutions for research in physics and technology with a wide variety of operating projects. -
Quantum physics laboratory - Experimental Fundamental research on strongly correlated electronic systems. Interplay between magnetism and superconductivty. Heat transport, tunneling, and josephson junctions. Scanning probe microscopy. -
Arizona State University: Ion Beam Analysis Laboratory (IBeAM) - Uses MeV ion beams to measure the compositional and structural properties of materials. Performs Rutherford Backscattering (RBS) and Proton-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) tests on a variety of samples. -
Research Network on High Knowledge Content Materials - Research Network on new materials for optical datastorage, interesting for holographic data storage in 3 dimensions with capacities up to TByte/cm2. We are performing basic research and encourage industrial parnters to join our network. -
Washington University: Nanoscience and thin film science - The group is based in the Physics department at Washington University in St. Louis. Activities include research in condensed-matter and materials physics with applications in nanoscience, nanotechnology and thin film growth. Typical areas of relevance are -
RealityGrid - "Moving the bottleneck out of the hardware and back into the human mind": aims to grid-enable the realistic modelling and simulation of complex condensed matter structures at the meso and nanoscale levels as well as the discovery of new material -
STREAM - A European project - The STREAM project is funded by the European Community and deals with high resolution strain measurements and its application to sub-micron microelectronic devices, althoug applicable to any crystalline materials. -
Rice University Condensed Matter Theory - Peter Nordlander's group investigates non-equilibrium processes in mesoscopic systems and on surfaces focus on many-electron effects. Qimiao Si specializes in the theory of strongly correlated electron systems emphasis on non-Fermi liquid behavior. projec -
Surfaces, Thin Films, Multilayers - Magnetic properties of nano structures by Conversion Electron Moessbauer Spectroscopy - CEMS. Department of solid state Physics, Krakow, Poland. -
Sensor Group - Activity, publications, facilities. Located in P.S.M. - C.N.R. in Rome, Italy. Research includes humidity and chemical sensors. -
Neutron Scattering Society of America - A forum to discuss scientific issues, major facilities and instrumentation needed for world-class research in neutron scattering. The main goal of the Society is to stimulate, promote and broaden the use of neutron scattering in science, engineering and -
Norsam Technologies - Information on nano-scale research, development and production applications using focused ion beam and other technologies for archival data storage, MEMS, micromachining and semiconductor applications. -
Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute: Shaped Crystals Growth Group - Research in the shaped crystals growth. Main interest is a Sapphire shaped crystals growth: sapphire tubes, rods, and ribbons. For optics, mechanics, medicine and other applications. -
Nanoelectronics Laboratory - Research and development at Utah State University, Logan. -
Low Temperatures Laboratory, Bariloche - This site is the homepage of the research group on Low Temperatures Physics (superconductivity, magnetism, strongly correlated systems, mesoscopic systems) of the Centro Atómico Bariloche -
Oak Ridge National Laboratory: High Flux Isotope Reactor - The neutron scattering facilities of the high flux research reactor are available for outside users on problems of scientific merit. Although the main purpose of the HFIR is to produce transplutonium elements for use in industry, medicine and research, th -