Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy - A multidiscipline division in Germany providing scientific researchers with resources and services. -
Microvision Labs - Offers SEM and light microscopy services in the Boston, MA area. -
Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc. - Scientific stock photography by Dennis Kunkel. Gallery contains hundreds of images photographed with SEM and TEM -
ESEMIR - Third-part laboratory for microstructural analyses by Environmental Electron Microscopy and FT-IR infra red microscopy. -
Babes-Bolyai University - Offers electron microscopy services, training and research in Cluj, Romania. -
Microanalyst - Information and forum about microanalysis with X-ray spectrometer (EDX) in Electron Microscope (EPMA) -
M.E. Taylor Engineering - Provides electron microscopy supplies and equipment and custom machining and laboratory services. -
SEM-EDS Laboratory - Industrial scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) laboratory in the company Metal Ravne d.o.o. -
MAC Calibration Standards for SEM TEM BSD BSED STEM - MAC manufacture standards for the following micro-analysis systems: AUGER, BSED, EDX, SEM, STEM, TEM, WDX, XRF, and micro-probe. They also manufacture calibration standards for BSED and scanning electron microscope (SEM). -
Homebuilt STM Project - An amateur project to build a scanning tunneling microscope, including detailed descriptions of mechanics, electronics and software. -
Imaging Advances in Transmission Electron Microscopy - TEM images processed with Lucis reveal vivid detail otherwise beyond visual perception. -
Imaging Advances in Scanning Electron Microscopy - Lucis image-processing technology enhances SEM images using Differential Hysteresis Processing. Lucis reveals vivid detail previously beyond visual perception. -
Bugscope - Educational outreach project of the World Wide Laboratory. The primary goal of the Bugscope project is to demonstrate that relatively low cost, sustainable access to a scanning electron microscope can be made available to K-12 classrooms. -
Smartech - SMARTech has the ability to generate conventional digital SEM images from 15 to 150,000 times. We can acquire Scanning Electron Microscopy images with either our conventional Everhart and Thornley detector or a solid state backscattered electron detector. -