International Society for Bayesian Analysis
- Promotes the development and application of Bayesian statistical theory and methods useful in the solution of theoretical and applied problems in science, industry and government.
Bayesian Blind Source Separation - An online paper on solving the cocktail party with Bayesian statistics. Includes general introduction to the problem and links to related works. -
Measurement Decision Theory - Includes rules, examples, and information about adaptive testing and sequential decisions. Main ideas are presented using a binary classification (pass/fail) test and a sample three-item test. -
Bayesian Analysis Archive - Part of the ArXiv e-print repository. -
Non-subjective Bayesian Statistical Methodology - A website and mailing list on non-subjective priors (e.g. non-informative, conventional and reference priors). -
Decision Analysis Society - Promotes the development and use of logical methods for the improvement of decision-making. -
Biography of Reverend Thomas Bayes (1702-1761) - Part of the University of St. Andrews History of Mathematics archive. -
Probability Theory As Extended Logic - A monumental online book by the late E. T. Jaynes on Bayesian inference. Also has a number of related articles by other authors. -
Bayesian Model Averaging - Information regarding model averaging using Bayesian techniques. Software and papers available. -
Bayesian Inference for the Physical Sciences - An annotated index for information on Bayesian inference for the physical sciences. -
Bayesian Abstract Archive - An archive of abstracts of research papers on Bayesian statistics. Sponsored by ISBA and SBSS. -
The Bayesian Songbook - A collection of often humorous songs with bayes-related lyrics sang to popular tunes on the last nights of the Valencia meetings on Bayesian statistics. Lyrics in LaTeX and postscript formats. Wav files of some songs available. -