FooPlot - Online 2D and 3D plotter with root and intersection finding, easy scrolling, and exporting features. -
FN Graph - Plotting program includes a customizable coordinate system, several graphs in a document, and shell integration. Supports basic arithmetic operators and a variety of other formulas. Contains tools for function evaluation, analysis and integration. -
GetData Graph Digitizer - Allows the user to digitize a scanned graph and save the results in ASCII file or export to formats of other applications. Windows; 21-day free trial. -
Gus and Gertie's Graphin' Gadget - Commercial package supporting Cartesian, parametric, and polar graphs. Many graph attributes can be customized, including color, line thickness, and zoom level. -
VisuMap - A non-linear visualization program for dimensional data. It converts table of data to 2D/3D maps by combining multidimensional scaling and clustering methods. -
CurvFit - A curvefitting program with Lorentzian, Power, Exponential, and Sine fitting models. Free download of windows executable. -
Plot 3D - 2D and 3D function graphing. Includes freeware download, and a gallery of output. [Windows 98-XP] -
DeadLine - Free windows software performing graph plotting and root-finding for algebraic functions. Site includes a features list and tutorial. -
MultyGraphiX - Generate 2D and 3D plots of explicit and parametric functions, in various coordinate systems. Site provides screenshots, features list, and alows download of an evaluation copy. -
Aabel - Statistical and Graphing Software for Mac OS X. Site provides screenshots and features list, together with pricing details and online ordering facility. -
Create a Graph - Web-based graphing tool for producing bar, line, pie, and area charts from small sets of discrete data. -
Quisoft's Visualizer - Web-based application for producing graphs of mathematical functions. [may not work in all browsers] -
MathGrapher - Mathematical graphing tool for 2D and 3D functions and data. Also includes statistical tools, nonlinear curve fitting, integration of coupled ordinary differential equations, and cellular automata. -
Equation Grapher - Function graphing software for windows, aimed at high-school pupils. Purchase online. -
MoNooN Grapher - A collection of graphing programs, for plotting functions in 2D and 3D, rectanguluar and polar coordinates. [Windows shareware] -
RJS Graph - Produces scientific and mathematical graphs, and provides a range of data analyzing tools (including regression lines) with graph export facilities. [Windows freeware] -
Analyzer - Function plotting program for windows. Site gives features list, screenshots, and allows download of a shareware version. -
plotutils - A GNU package for producing 2D plots in a variety of formats, built around an enhanced libplot C/C++ function library. Site provides links to documentation and other related software. -
Grace - A WYSIWYG 2D plotting tool for the X Window System and M*tif. Ports to other systems (including windows) are also available. Site includes features overview, full documentation, and downloads. -
ACE/gr - A 2D plotting tool for X Window System, with ports to other systems available. Also known as xmgr, this software is now superseded by Grace. -
WestSide - Series of charting programs for processing numeric data to produce graphs. Supports two and three-dimensional graphing and contour plotting. -
PGPLOT Graphics Subroutine Library - The PGPLOT Graphics Subroutine Library is a Fortran- or C-callable, device-independent graphics package for making simple scientific graphs. -
Ploticus Data Display Engine - An alternative to gnuplot, GPL, command-line, with various style options. Program can plot date, time, and category data directly. [Unix/Win32] -
Graphe Easy - 2d-graph plotting Windows software. Free demo version download. -
Rt-Plot - A tool to generate Cartesian X/Y-plots from scientific data. View the changing graphs, including linear and non linear regression, interpolation, differentiation and integration, during entering.(Shareware) -
3DMath Explorer - Plots 2D and 3D graphs of mathematical functions and curves. Windows; 30-day limited trial version. -
GLgraph - An OpenGL based function grapher for Linux, handling 3 unknowns (x,z,t) and producing a 4D function with 3 space and 1 time dimension. Free under GPL. -
CurvusPro - Macintosh equation-plotting software supporting both 2D and 3D graphs. Supports implicit functions, differential equation solutions, and vector fields. -
GUIPlot - Creates X-Y data plots and histogram charts. Includes free demo download. - Bar Graphs - Creates two and three dimensional vertical bar, horizontal and stacked charts from files, databases scripts and server side processes. Lists features. Includes examples and free download demo. -
Digitize It - Shareware that automatically pulls in numerical data from scanned graphs and transferred to a specified axes system. Can be saved in ASCII format, ready to use in other applications. Is able to import files from most image formats (gif, png, tiff,bmp). Ru -
Graphis - Graphing and visualization program for 2D and 3D data. Description of features, gallery of plots, and free demo version to download. [Windows] -
KaleidaGraph - Software for graphing and data analysis. Windows, MacOS. Purchase on-line or download free trial version. -
FitAll - General purpose nonlinear regression analysis (curve fitting) tool from MTR Software. Windows. Free download of evaluation version. -
DPlot - General purpose plotting program. It features multiple scaling types, several special purpose plots: tripartite grids, grain size distribution plots, polar plots, and contour plots of 3D data. Manipulation functions include FFT, filtering, smoothing. -
Cradle Fields - A programming tool to plot and explore two dimensional math functions, such as cartesian y(x) and x(y) graphs, parametric and polar ones. Allows the user to have control over a coordinate space through interactivity of all the components of the graph. -
GraphPad Prism - Combination of basic biostatistics, curve fitting and scientific graphing in one program. Available for Windows or Macintosh. -
Autograph - PC software for teaching calculus, coordinate geometry, statistics and probability. -
DPGraph - Visualization program supporting graphs in up to eight dimensions. Coded entirely in assembly language for optimized speed. -
MathGV - Mathematical function graphing software program for Windows. It can plot 2 dimensional, polar, and 3 dimension functions. Freeware. -
Plane Graphic Calculator - Java applet that can interactively plot the graph of mathematical functions. Handles complex numbers, vectors, and parametric equations. -
IGOR Pro - An interactive environment for experimentation with scientific and engineering data and for the production of publication-quality graphs and page layouts using Macintosh and Windows computers. -
Graphmatica - Equation plotter featuring symbolic differentiation and tangent lines. Graphs can be printed, copied to the clipboard, and saved as BMP or WMF files. Shareware. -
Pacific Tech Graphing Calculator - Symbolic and numeric methods for visualizing two and three dimensional mathematical objects. Supports differential equations and integration. Available for Macintosh and Windows. -
3D Grapher - Plotting and data visualization programming for graphing and animating 2D and 3D equations and table charts. Allows some customization. -
DataFit - Curve fitting and data plotting software. Accuracy of nonlinear regression results verified with NIST. -
HandyGraph - Provides a convenient method to create and edit grids, blank graphs, and number lines within Microsoft Word. Free downloadable demo, Windows and Mac versions available. -
GrafEq - Program for graphing implicit relations. Designed for high school use, Windows and Mac evaluation versions available for download. -
Dr. Hanley's Science Graphs - Software for graphing equations and data. Supports multiple curves as well as parametric graphs. Plus version can graph multi-color contour lines. -