Crazy for Math Online Contest - An annual online contest for children to share ideas on how they use math in activities with their families. -
Mathematical Contest in Modeling (COMAP) - Annual online competition for teams of undergraduates to use mathematical modeling to solve real world problems. Includes information about registration and an archive of past contest questions. -
USA Mathematical Talent Search (USAMTS) - A free mathematics competition available to all high school students in the United States. Interested participants may enter the competition at any time of the academic year. -
ABACUS International Math Challenge - Monthly contest available in 3 age groups from 3rd grade to 8th grade. -
MATHmodels - A online team competition where students compete to solve real-life problems using mathematical modeling. -
International Mathematical Talent Search - A free competitive year-round correspondence program in creative mathematical problem solving at the secondary school level. Open to students in every country. -
Paper Challeran - A point-based puzzle contest available worldwide. Encourages arithmetic and strategy skills. -
Online Math Madness - Browser based mathematics competition for students to gain problem solving experience. -