McDiarmid, Colin - Research interests: discrete mathematics probability and algorithms mathematics of OR graph colouring radio channel assignment problems -
Etheridge, Alison - Oxford University. Stochastic Analysis, especially the application of stochastic techniques to solving nonlinear PDEs. Stochastic models in biology. -
Johnson, Oliver - University of Bristol. Research interests: Probabilistic limit theorems, entropy theory, quantum information theory. -
Barlow, Martin - Research interests: Brownian motion, fractal sets. -
Sanz-Solé, Marta - Universitat de Barcelona. Random fields; Malliavin calculus; Anticipative calculus; Small perturbations of dynamical systems; Stochastic partial differential equations. Publications, lecture notes. -
Tudor, Ciprian - Laboratoire de Probabilites et Modeles Aleatoires, Université de Paris VI. Research interests: Anticipating Stochastic Calculus; Fractional Brownian Motion; Mathematical Finance; Weak Convergence; Stochastic Differential Equations. -
Bakhtin, Yuri - International Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory And Mathematical Geophysics (IIEPT), Moscow. Probabilistic models of mathematical physics; stochastic partial differential equations; limit theorems of probability theory. Publications. -
Tolmatz, Leonid - Brownian motion related research applicable in order statistics, financial modeling and other areas. Explicit analysis of distributions of various Wiener functionals, tables and formulae. -
Holroyd, Alexander E. - University of British Columbia. Research interests: Probability theory, including cellular automata, percolation, matching, coupling. -
Kurtz, Thomas G. - University of Wisconsin - Madison. Research interests include limit theorems for stochastic differential equations, particle representations of measure-valued processes, stochastic partial differential equations, filtering for Markov processes, large dev -
Bass, Rich - University of Connecticut. -
Norris, James - Research interests: Topics in probability and analysis, including stochastic differential equations, Malliavin calculus, analysis of heat kernels, homogenization, Brownian motion and Brownian sheet, stochastic differential geometry, models of coagulatio -
Lyons, Terry - Wallis Professor of Mathematics, Oxford. Research interests: Stochastic analysis, particularly the control of non-linear systems driven by rough paths. -