(UK) University of Brighton - Computational Mathematics Group. Interests include Acoustics, Bubble dynamics, Diffusion in gels and Plasma physics. - http://www.brighton.ac.uk/cmis/research/groups/cmg.php?PageId=230
(Netherlands) Radboud University Nijmegen - Subfaculty of Mathematics, Department of Numerical Analysis. - http://www.math.ru.nl/onderzoek/dep_numanalysis/dep_numanalysis.html
(USA) Texas A and M University - Numerical Methods for PDE Group. Primarily concerned with the efficient numerical approximation of solutions of partial differential equations. - http://www.math.tamu.edu/research/numerical_analysis/
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Methods - The focus of this group is to find numerical solutions of differential equations coming from several areas of applications, as for example. Participants are from various universities in the US and Europe. - http://www.ime.usp.br/~roma/research/workgroup.htm
(UK) University of Cambridge - Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Numerical Analysis Group. People, reports, seminars, lecture notes, publications, web resources. - http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/na/na.html
(USA) NIST - Information Technology Laboratory, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division. Software, reports, meetings and links. - http://math.nist.gov/mcsd/
(UK) University of Leicester - Centre for Mathematical Modelling. Specializing in interdisciplinary solutions based on advanced simulation and modelling tools. Members, research projects. - http://www.mmc.le.ac.uk/
(Germany) Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg - DIME Project: Data Local Iterative Methods for the Efficient Solution of Partial Differential Equations. People, publications, software. - http://wwwbode.cs.tum.edu/Par/arch/cache/
(Germany) Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg - Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing. Objectives: mathematical modelling and computational simulation of complex systems in science and technology; development and use of computer methods and software for applications in industry and econo - http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/groups/
(Germany) University of Heidelberg - IWR - Technical Simulation Group. Concerned with the development of algorithms for the efficient simulation of problems from physics and engineering. - http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/groups/techsim/
(Germany) Universität Erlangen - System Simulation Group - IMMD X. Projects include: Cache-oriented multigrid project (DiME); Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation Simulation Project (PII); Simulation and Visualisation of large data sets (Adhoc3D). - http://www10.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/
(Germany) Friedrich Schiller University, Jena - Numerical Analysis Group. Research fields, Teaching, Applications in the applied sciences and industry. - http://www.minet.uni-jena.de/~hermann/
(Israel) Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot - The Carl F. Gauss Minerva Center for Scientific Computation. New fundamental computational approaches in physics, chemistry, applied mathematics and engineering, introducing, in particular, advanced multi-scale (multi-resolution) and parallel-processing - http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~achi/gaussctr.html
(Belgium) University of Mons-Hainaut - Numerical Analysis Team. Describes research, publications and teaching. Research areas: Differential equations, variational methods, variational numerical techniques. - http://www.umh.ac.be/math/an/en/