Taylor, Martin - Manchester. Algebraic number theory, Galois module structure. - http://www.maths.manchester.ac.uk/~mjt/
Tzanakis, Nikolaos - University of Crete. Explicit solution of diophantine equations. Publications. - http://www.math.uoc.gr/~tzanakis/
Tengely, Szabolcs - University of Debrecen. Effective methods for Diophantine equations. Publications, thesis, software. - http://www.math.klte.hu/~tengely/
Teitelbaum, Jeremy T. - University of Illinois at Chicago. Problems related to elliptic curves, modular forms, p-adic L functions, and p-adic analytic geometry; p-adic analytic representations. - http://www.math.uic.edu/~jeremy/
Tsangaris, Panayiotis - University of Athens Panepistimioupolis. Diophantine equations. - http://eudoxos.math.uoa.gr/~web/english/faculty/alg-geo/tsagar.htm
Towse, Christopher - Scripps College, Claremont. Arithmetic geometry and Riemann surfaces (Weierstrass points), algebraic number theory (generalized continued fractions), combinatorics (chain partitions). - http://pages.scrippscollege.edu/~ctowse/ctowse.html
Topuzoglu, Alev - Sabanci University. Uniformly distributed sequences; finite fields and applications; pseudo random numbers. CV. - http://www.sabanciuniv.edu/rehber/rehber_cve_goster.php?sicil=87
Tate, John - University of Texas. Algebraic Number Theory (local and global fields); Class Field Theory, Galois cohomology, Galois representations; L-functions and their special values; modular forms, elliptic curves and abelian varieties. Contact information. - http://rene.ma.utexas.edu/text/webpages/tate.html
Tubbs, Robert - University of Colorado at Boulder. Number theory. Contact information. - http://math.colorado.edu/children/faculty/tubbs/
Takloo-Bighash, Ramin - Princeton University. Distribution of rational points; Automorphic forms and representation theory. Preprints and lecture notes. - http://www.math.princeton.edu/~rtakloo/
Toplic, Manfred - Computational number theory, prime numbers. - http://members.aon.at/toplicm/
Tucker, Thomas J. - University of Georgia. Diophantine geometry. Auctex for Windows. - http://www.math.uga.edu/~ttucker/
Tsfasman, Michael - Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. Algebraic geometry in relation to number theory (varieties over non-algebraically closed fields, especially over finite fields and number fields, parallelism between the functi - http://www.aha.ru/~tsfasman/
Tschinkel, Yuri - University of Illinois at Chicago. Algebraic geometry, number theory and harmonic analysis. - http://www2.math.uic.edu/~yuri/
Trifonov, Ognian - University of South Carolina. Analytic number theory and approximation theory; lattice points close to a curve or surface; applications to gap problems. - http://www.math.sc.edu/people/trifonov.html
Thakur, Dinesh S. - University of Arizona. Number theory and arithmetic geometry. - http://math.arizona.edu/~thakur/
Top, Jaap - University of Groningen. Arithmetic algebraic geometry. - http://www.math.rug.nl/~top/
Thunder, Jeff - Northern Illinois University. Geometry of numbers. - http://www.math.niu.edu/~jthunder/
Tichy, Robert F. - Technische Universität Graz. Uniform distribution and discrepancy; Diophantine equations; asymptotic analysis; algorithmic number theory; fractal structures in number theory; stochastic analysis; information-based complexity; quasi-Monte Carlo methods; - http://finanz.math.tugraz.at/~tichy/
Tijdeman, Robert - Leiden University. Diophantine analysis, analytic number theory. - http://www.math.leidenuniv.nl/~tijdeman/
Terras, Audrey - University of California at San Diego. Spectra of Laplacians and adjacency operators of Cayley and Ramanujan graphs; Selberg trace formula; Fourier analysis on finite and infinite groups; Zeta functions of graphs; Automorphic forms. Papers, books. - http://math.ucsd.edu/~aterras/
Tan, Victor - National University of Singapore. Automorphic forms and representations, algebraic number theory, modular forms and elliptic functions, combinatorial designs and difference sets. - http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/~mattanv/
Teske, Edlyn - University of Waterloo. Computational number theory, cryptography. - http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~eteske/