Hahn, Heekyoung - University of Rochester. q-series, continued fraction, theta functions, partitions, modular forms, Eisenstein series, special functions; elliptic curves, coding theory and the philosophy of mathematics. List of publications. - http://www.math.rochester.edu/people/faculty/hahn/
Helfgott, Harald A. - Université de Montréal. Number theory, elliptic curves, automorphic forms, combinatorics. Publications, teaching materials. - http://www.dms.umontreal.ca/~helfgott/
Hare, Kevin G. - University of Waterloo. Algebraic numbers, polynomials. Publications, worksheets. - http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~kghare/
Harcos, Gergely - University of Texas at Austin. Automorphic forms. Publications, thesis. - http://www.math.utexas.edu/~gharcos/thesis.pdf
Hajir, Farshid - California State University, San Marcos. Elliptic curves, extensions with restriced ramification, and special values of L-functions. On-line seminar, teaching information. - http://public.csusm.edu/public/fhajir/
Hess, Florian - Technische Universität Berlin. Algebraic function fields, algebraic number fields and algorithms. - http://www.math.tu-berlin.de/~hess/
Hughes, Chris - University of Michigan. Application of random matrix theory to the Riemann zeta function and other L-functions. Publications, resources. - http://www.aimath.org/~hughes/
Howson, Susan - University of Oxford. Arithmetic of elliptic curves, Iwasawa theory, p-adic L-functions and the theory of Euler systems. Papers, seminars and other resources. - http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/~howson/