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Freiman, Gregory A. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Tel Aviv University. Inverse additive number theory. Papres, preprints, resources.
- http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~grisha/

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Fieker, Claus Open in a new windowLink Details
- Technische Universität Berlin. Algebraic number theory; computational class field theory; the KANT computer algebra system.
- http://magma.maths.usyd.edu.au/users/claus/

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Fischler, Stéphane Open in a new windowLink Details
- Université Paris-Sud. Arithmetic and algebraic geometry. Texts, lecture notes.
- http://www.math.u-psud.fr/~fischler/englishindex.html

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Flicker, Yuval Open in a new windowLink Details
- Ohio State University. Algebraic groups, symmetric spaces, Galois cohomology, automorphic forms, admissible representations of p-adic groups, trace formulae and bi-period summation formulae, their stabilization, and the fundamental lemma. Publications,
- http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/~flicker/

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Fukshansky, Lenny Open in a new windowLink Details
- Texas A+M University. Diophantine approximations, equations, and problems; Classical and adelic geometry of numbers; Quadratic and linear forms, polynomials; Theory of height functions, Mahler's measure, and connections with arithmetic geometry, Geometri
- http://www.math.tamu.edu/~lenny/

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Fuchs, Michael Open in a new windowLink Details
- Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica. Probabilistic Number Theory; Continued Fractions and Metric Diophantine Approximation; Probability Theory for Weakly Dependent Random Variables; Analysis of Algorithms. Papers, thesis.
- http://www.geometrie.tuwien.ac.at/fuchs/

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Fisher, Tom A. Open in a new windowLink Details
- University of Cambridge. Arithmetical algebraic geometry, specifically descent calculations for elliptic curves. Papers, slides, notes.
- http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/site2002/People/fisher_ta.html

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Fermigier, Stéfane Open in a new windowLink Details
- Number theory and algebraic geometry.
- http://www.fermigier.com/fermigier/index.html.en

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