Research Information - Larry Lehman - Includes a list of publications with abstracts, and tables of elliptic curves of small rank and various conductors. -
Elliptic Curve Data - Tables of elliptic curves of small conductor in Mathematica format. -
Iwasawa Invariants of Elliptic Curves - For each curve (labelled as in Cremona) the mu and lambda-invariants are listed for the primes between 2 and 17. By Robert Pollack. -
MODI - Interactive Modular Forms Data Base - Data about modular forms which are computed on demand or taken from a data base of precomputed items, maintained by Nils-Peter Skoruppa. -
Classical Modular Polynomials - Tables of modular polynomials Phi_l for prime l to 270, computed by Michael Rubinstein. Gzipped text and specially compressed formats. -
Mordell Curves - Minimal known positive and negative k for Mordell curves (y^2=x^3+k) of given rank, by Tom Womack. -
Modular Polynomials - Tables and Maple software for modular polynomials of composite level by Masanari Kida. -
Modular Forms Database - Tables computed by William Stein using HECKE, LiDIA, PARI and Magma. -
Class Polynomials of CM-fields - Class polynomials of the principal orders up to discriminant -300000, giving values of the Weber invariants. By Annegret Weng. -
High Rank Elliptic Curves with Prescribed Torsion - The highest rank currently known for an elliptic curve over Q with each of the possible torsion groups. Compiled by Andrej Dujella. -
Elliptic Curves with Unusual Torsion - Two tables: the smallest conductor observed for a given rank and torsion, and the smallest conductor observed among curves of rank zero with a given Sha and torsion. Maintained by Tom Womack. -
Drinfeld Modules - Complete tables of sign-normalized, rank one, Drinfeld modules on the elliptic curves over finite fields of order less than 16. -
Siegel Forms - Coefficients of some Siegel automorphic forms, by Richard Borcherds. -
Rational Points on Elliptic Curves - A wide collection of known integer solutions to elliptic curves and their corresponding Diophantine equations, presented by Hisanori Mishima. -