The Fifth Taxicab Number is 48988659276962496 - David W. Wilson's article on his search for the smallest integer that can be expressed as a sum of two positive cubes in 5 distinct ways, up to order of summands. -
Taxicab Numbers - David W. Wilson's list of the smallest number that can be expressed as a sum of two positive cubes in n different ways, for n = 1 through 5. -
Overview of Mathematician Secret Room - Page keeping track of solutions of x^3+y^3+z^3 < 1000 and x^3+y^3+2*z^3 < 1000. -
Sortedsums - D. J. Bernstein's collection of tools for enumerating small solutions to certain types of equal sums of like powers. -
Power Page - Steve Dutch's page about powers of numbers. -
Tom's Mathematical Things - Dissertation about equal sums of like powers by Tom Womack. -