Csirmaz, László - Eotvos University. - http://www.renyi.hu/~csirmaz/
Dzamonja, Mirna - University of East Anglia at Norwich. - http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/~h020/
Dobrinen, Natasha - Postdoctoral fellowship from the Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic at the University of Vienna. - http://www.logic.univie.ac.at/~dobrinen/
Corazza, Paul - Maharishi University of Management. Includes biography and research interests. - http://www.mum.edu/compro/corazza_webpage.htm
Fleissner, William - University of Kansas. - http://www.math.ku.edu/faculty/officialpages/fleissner.html
Galvin, Fred - University of Kansas. - http://www.math.ku.edu/faculty/officialpages/galvin.html