PDE-FBP 2005 - III International Symposium on Nonlinear PDEs and Free Boundary Problems. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina; 1--5 August 2005. - http://mate.dm.uba.ar/~pde2005/
Fourth-Order Parabolic Equations - A TMR Workshop. University of Bath, UK; 7--9 January 2002. - http://www.bath.ac.uk/~mascjb/tmrwork.html
What is Integrability? - Euro Summer School. Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK; 13--24 August 2001. - http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/programmes/ITS/itsw02.html
SEARCDE 2004 - The 24th Annual Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, TN, USA; 22--23 October 2004. - http://www.utc.edu/Academic/Mathematics/searcde-04/
Homogenization and Shape Optimization - Summer School on the theory of Partial Differential Equations, Calculus of Variations and applications to Engineering and Materials Sciences. Lisbon, Portugal; 13--17 September 2004. - http://www.ptmat.fc.ul.pt/~hso2004/indexingles.html
CR Geometry and PDEs - Levico Terme, Trento, Italy; 12--17 September 2004. - http://www.science.unitn.it/cirm/listCRGeometry.html
MC2QMC'04 - Monte Carlo and Probabilistic Methods for Partial Differential Equations. Juan-les-Pins, Côte d'Azur, France; 7--10 June 2004. - http://www-sop.inria.fr/omega/MC2QMC2004/
Discrete Systems and Integrability - EuroWorkshop. Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK; 3--14 September 2001. - http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/programmes/ITS/itsw03.html
WHAPDE - Workshop in Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; 23--27 June 2003. - http://www.matem.unam.mx/whapde/
Diffiety School - Santo Stefano del Sole (Avellino), Italy; 13--28 July 2003. - http://www.diffiety.ac.ru/students/03i-s.htm
Workshop on Domain Decomposition Methods in Fluid Mechanics - Topics include: boundary layer flows over moving objects, underground water flows, two-phase flows, three-phase flows, solidification in a casting process, fluid structure interaction, blood flow simulation. The workshop will also concentrates on softw - http://cms1.gre.ac.uk/conferences/lmsworkshop_ddm/lmsworkshop.html
ICDEA 2001 - 6th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications. Augsburg, Germany; 30 July -- 3 August 2001. - http://www.math.uni-augsburg.de/icdea2001/
EQUADIFF 10, Prague - Czechoslovak International Conference on Differential Equations and Their Applications. Prague; 27--31 August 2001. - http://www.math.cas.cz/~equadiff/
Variational Sequences and Bicomplexes - Advanced 5-day course, immediately before the 8th International Conference on Differential Geometry and its Applications (27-31 August 2001). Mathematical Institute, Silesian University, Opava, Czech Republic; 20--24 August 2001. - http://www.math.slu.cz/levoca.html
Ellipticity and Parabolicity in Analysis and Geometry (EPAG2001) - Topics: Spectral theory, index theory, heat equation and other parabolic equation methods, existence and regularity of solutions to elliptic/parabolic equations, geometric and spectral invariants. Potsdam, Germany; 20-24 August 2001. - http://epag2001.math.uni-potsdam.de/
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos - Where should we go from here? Burwalls Conference Centre, University of Bristol, UK; 8--10 June 2001. - http://www.enm.bris.ac.uk/anm/colston.html