Centre for Environmental and Geophysical Flows, University of Bristol - Interdisciplinary research centre for geophysical fluid dynamics at the University of Bristol. People, meetings, facilities, resources. - http://www.maths.bris.ac.uk/research/labs/environmental_geophysical/
Geomaths - A Geological Sciences Mathematics tutorial system. - http://www.ucl.ac.uk/Mathematics/geomath/frontpage.html
Institute of Theoretical Geophysics, University of Cambridge - Group spanning Earth Sciences and Applied Mathematics, whose research involves quantitative descriptions of processes fundamental to the Earth. Current members, details of research, and list of seminars. - http://www.itg.cam.ac.uk/
Seismic Un*x - A seismic processing and research environment developed at the Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines. Requires ANSI C and Unix. Free download. - http://www.cwp.mines.edu/cwpcodes/
Claerbout's Classroom - Free on-line texts by the late (Johannes) Jos Claerbout. - http://sepwww.stanford.edu/sep/prof/
ANON - Interests in Geosciences, Mathematics and Computing. - http://www.uh.edu/~jbutler/anon/anon.html
International Association for Mathematical Geology - Promotes international cooperation in the application and use of mathematics in geological research and technology. Meetings, membership directory, job listings, other links. - http://www.iamg.org/