Effective Theories for Materials and Macromolecules - Workshop in research session on Mathematics of Materials and Macromolecules, IMA, Minnesota, USA; 8--11 June 2005. - http://www.ima.umn.edu/matter/W6.8-11.05/
CAC-2004 - 9th Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry: "New Challenges for a Maturing Science". Lisbon, Portugal; 20--23 September 2004. - http://dequim.ist.utl.pt/cac2004/
MaThCryst - Crystallography at the start of the 21st century: Mathematical and Symmetry Aspects. A satellite meeting of the XXII European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM-22). Budapest, Hungary; 24--26 August 2004. - http://www.lcm3b.uhp-nancy.fr/mathcryst/satellite.htm
COCHEM'03 - Nonlinear phenomena in computational chemical physics. Barcelona, Spain; 9--14 June 2003. - http://www.imub.ub.es/cochem/