(Denmark) Technical University - Research Centre for Communications, Optics and Materials (COM): Coding and Modulation Competence Area. Members, publications. - http://www.com.dtu.dk/research/Coding/
(Norway) University of Bergen - Department of Informatics: Coding theory and cryptography research group. Members, seminars, research topics. - http://www.ii.uib.no/forskningsgrupper/kode/index-eng.shtml
(UK) Aston University - Neural Computing Research Group: Irregular Gallager-type error-correcting codes. - http://www.ncrg.aston.ac.uk/Projects/ERROR_CORRECT/Welcome.html
(Finland) University of Turku - Department of Mathematics; Coding Theory Group. Personnel, publications. - http://www.math.utu.fi/research/codingtheory/
(Austria) Academy of Sciences - Institute of Discrete Mathematics. Projects include algebraic coding theory and Goppa code construction. - http://www.dismat.oeaw.ac.at/