Tyne Engineering - Designer of tritium surface monitors, tritium in breath monitors, tritium in air monitors, stack monitors, and other tritium handling equipment. - http://www.tyne-engineering.com
Baltic Scientific Instruments - Manufacturer and supplier of radiation measurement and analysis instrumentation, MCAs, HP(Ge), SiLi and CdZnTe detectors, data analysis software for nuclear research and related fields, X-ray fluorescence analysis systems. - http://www.bsi.lv/
TSA Systems - Design and manufacture of radiation monitors, detectors, and control systems for SNM (special nuclear materials). - http://www.tsasystems.com/
Saint-Gobain - Radiation detection and measurement for imaging, oil well logging, and nuclear safeguards. - http://www.detectors.saint-gobain.com
FBE ASIC Design & Consulting - ASIC design house specialising in nuclear radiation detection ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) and cryogenic electronics. - http://www.fbe-asic.com
Ketek - X-ray detector modules and systems, silicon drift detectors for X-ray fluorescence analysis, chamber sensors and associated electronics electronics. - http://ketek.net
Microdets - Micropattern gas-filled radiation detectors for use in high rate X-ray imaging and measurement applications, developed using new micromachining techniques. - http://www.microdets.org.es
BIL Solutions - Full range of materials assay instruments for decomissioning, radioactive waste management and nuclear fuel handling cycles. - http://www.bilsolutions.co.uk/
Track Analysis Systems - Maker and distributor of TASTRAK a CR-39 plastic used for nuclear particle track detection. - http://www.tasl.co.uk/
PrincetPrinceton Gamma- Tech - X-ray and Gamma-ray spectroscopy systems, MCAs, microanalysis software, SiLi and HPGe detectors for SEM/EDS - http://www.pgt.com/
Centronic - Manufacturer of a range of radiation detectors, including semiconductor detectors, proportional counters, neutron detectors and Geiger-Muller tubes. - http://www.centronic.co.uk
Southern Innovation - Signal processing technology for radiation detectors to reduce pulse pile up, detector dead time, poor energy resolution & system throughput. - http://www.southerninnovation.com
NuclearLab - Provider of nuclear instrumentation, calibration standards, and nuclear medicine products. - http://nuclearlab.com/homeing.htm
GE Power Reuter-Stokes - Radiation detection products for oil well logging, nuclear safeguards, and environmental monitoring industries. - http://www.gepower.com/prod_serv/products/radiation_monitors/en/index.htm
Photonis Imaging Sensors - Range of detectors including neutron and gamma detectors (fission chambers, boron lined proportional counters, gamma ionization chambers, photomultipliers, image intensifiers, electron multipliers and micro-channel plates - http://www.photonis.com
RTI Electronics - Equipment for medical X-ray quality assurance and service: kVp, time, dose, dose rate, mA, mAs, light and focal spot size. - http://www.rti.se/
SPC Aspect - Manufacturers of wide range of radiation detection instrumentation including spectrometric equipment, modular nuclear electronics, inspection systems, sheilding and dosimetry equipment. - http://aspect.dubna.ru/english/
Radiant Detector Technologies - Develeopment and commercialisation of X-ray and gamma ray detectors and spectrometric systems. Includes product and application catalogue and research papers. - http://www.radiantdetectors.com
Thurning Instruments - Manufacturers of non-contacting X- and gamma ray thickness and density gauges. - http://www.thurning-instruments.co.uk/
Kihei - Manufacturer of Geiger tubes and Helium-3 neutron detectors. - http://www.kiheiind.com
International Radiation Detectors - Designs, manufactures and sells semiconductor radiation sensors. Specializes in silicon photodiodes for detection of ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet photons. - http://www.ird-inc.com/
Plombum - Low- and ultra low activity lead suppliers, low activity lead bricks and ingots for low background detectors - http://republika.pl/plombum
Southern Scientific - Suppliers of nuclear measurement equipment for medical, physics research and industrial applications. - http://www.ssl.gb.com/home.htm
Cremat - Manufactures and sells charge sensitive preamplifiers and shaping amplifiers for use in radiation detection instrumentation. - http://www.cremat.com
Symetrica - High resolution scintillation-based gamma spectroscopy systems. - http://www.symetrica.com
PerkinElmer - Range of multilabel, liquid scintillation, luminescence and gamma counters for life and analytical sciences. - http://las.perkinelmer.com/catalog/Category.aspx?CategoryName=Radioactivity
GBS Elektronik - Miniature multichannel analyzers for field use, also supplier of detectors (CdZnTe, NaI, HPGe) and customized setups for decomissioning of nuclear plants and radiation monitoring. - http://www.gbs-elektronik.de/index_e.htm
Spectrun Techniques - Geiger tubes and scintillation counters incorporated into complete assemblies including sample stands and shielding for spectroscopy applications. - http://www.spectrumtechniques.com/detectors&stands.htm
Far West Technology - Ion chambers, gas single wire counters, GM counters, gas filling systems. - http://www.fwt.com/detector/prod_det.htm
Redlen Technologies - CZT semiconductor radiation detectors for solid state diagnostic medical imaging systems. - http://www.redlen.com
Moxtek - XRF/XRD X-ray equipment, including detectors, tubes, windows, JFETs; also optics products including pbs, beamsplitters, and polarizers. - http://www.moxtek.com
X-Ray Pro - Sells a variety of gas filled proportional counters, with several mixtures of detection gases available. - http://www.kolumbus.fi/x-raypro/docs/xpropo.html
IST - Supplier of radiation sensors to the nuclear power industry providing in-core and out-of-core detectors and electrical penetrations. - http://www.istcorp.com
CERN gas detectors - Gas electron multiplier (GEM) samples available from CERN printed circuit workshop. Useful information on GEM detectors from the original development team. - http://gdd.web.cern.ch/GDD/
Gamma Products - Low background alpha/beta counters, gamma spectroscopy systems, and gas flow proportional counters. - http://www.gammaproducts.com
CoPhysics - Provides radiological instrumentation, laboratory and field measurement services as well as related scientific software products to industry, medicine, and government. - http://www.cophysics.com/
Amale - Export management company supplying nuclear radiation and measurement instrumentation for research, nuclear medicine, health physics and environmental monitoring - http://www.amale.com/
XRF Corporation - Supplier of field portable CdZnTe gamma and X-ray detectors for spectrometry and fluoroscopy applications, and custom built analysis systems. - http://www.xrfcorp.com/
Unfors Instruments. - X-ray measurement meters for monitoring kVp, dose, dose rate, mA linearity, waveform, exposure time in medical X-ray equipment. Also offers several models for light measurement. - http://www.unfors.com/
Scionix - Manufacturer of scintillation radiation detectors. - http://www.scionixusa.com/
Radiation Technologies - Custom designed instrumentation and electronics for radiation detection. - http://www.radiationtechnologies.com/home.html
Radcal Corporation - Medical X-ray system instrumentation and related products. Compliance and acceptance testing, quality assurance, field service and factory calibration. - http://www.radcal.com/
PTW - Dosimetry systems and ionization chambers for the measurement of ionizing radiation, primarily for the medical field. - http://www.ptwny.com/
Protean Instrument Corporation - Manufacturer of alpha/beta counting systems for health physics, radiation safety, radiochemistry, and nuclear fuel cycle applications. - http://www.proteaninstrument.com/
ORTEC - Supplier of radiation measurement systems, electronic instruments and modules, high resolution radiation detectors, and data analysis software for general nuclear research and related fields. - http://www.ortec-online.com/
Ordela - Position-sensitive proportional counter systems for the detection of X-rays, neutrons, and charged particles. - http://www.ordela.com/
Mound Technical Solutions - Radiation measurement instrumentation, systems design, development and manufacturing. Specializes in Tritium measurement. - http://www.moundtech.com/
LND - Designers and manufacturers of nuclear radiation detectors including ionization chambers, Geiger-Mueller tubes, X-ray proportional counters and neutron detectors. - http://www.lndinc.com/
John Caunt Scientific Limited. - Supply and development of a wide range of products for the detection, shielding and measurement of ionising radiations. - http://ds.dial.pipex.com/johncaunt/
Hidex - Liquid scintillation and gamma counters for biotechnology, life science research and environmental monitoring. - http://www.hidex.com/
EV Products - Develops and manufactures solid-state room temperature CZT (CdZnTe) detectors. Applications used for in medicine, industry, homeland security and laboratories. Located in Saxonburg, Pennsylvania, USA. - http://www.evproducts.com/
Electronic Control Concepts - Timing controls and instrumentation for medical X-ray units. Products include kVp Meters, X-ray exposure time meters and replacement timers for older X-ray sets. - http://www.eccxray.com/
Carroll and Ramsey Associates - Provides specialized radiation detector components and systems for physics research, radiography, PET and nuclear medicine. - http://www.carroll-ramsey.com/
Canberra Industries - Radiation monitoring and analysis instrumentation, serving industries engaged in nuclear power generation and decommisioning. - http://www.canberra.com/
Bicron - Designs and manufactures a variety of products for radiation detection, measurement, and imaging, including organic and inorganic scintillating materials. - http://www.bicron.com/
Amptek - X-ray and gamma-ray detectors and pulse processing electronics. - http://www.amptek.com/
Alpha Counting - Provides low background Alpha particle detection, measurement, and counting systems and services. - http://www.alphacounting.com/