Pioneer Middle School Virtual Zoo - Features animal photos organized by scientific classification. -
Kratts' Creatures - An interactive map featuring animals from around the world. -
Kristina's Virtual Zoo - A gallery of photos from Chicago's Brookfield and Lincoln Park Zoos. -
Zoo World - An educational site featuring more than 100 creatures and some behind-the-scenes views and games. -
ThinkQuest Virtual Zoo - A powerful educational tool which serves to heighten the general public's awareness of animals throughout the world. It also informs visitors about the alarming rate of human expansion into various animals' habitats. -
GeoZoo - An earth safari of the world's vertibrates. Contains taxonomic and common name listings. -
Mr. Crean's Virtual Zoo - Pictures, facts, and questions about animals from a high school Biology teacher. -
Switch Zoo - Switch the animals' heads, legs and tails to make new creatures at this surrealistic virtual zoo. - - A zoo without bars. Featuring mainly European and African species (from Amphibia to Mammalia) and European parks. In Italian with an English version. -
exZOOberance - A virtual zoo with photo galleries, web cams, news, and a zoo and aquarium directory. -
Infrared Zoo Gallery - Uses infrared photography to show the differences between warm and cold blooded animals and how animals use fur, blubber, and feathers to insulate themselves. -
Zoobooks Virtual Petting Zoo - Pet animals on different parts of their bodies to learn facts about them. -
Matt Wolf's Interactive Petting Zoo - Mouse-over a gallery of animals to view additional pictures. Sections of the zoo include: mammals and their babies, colorful exotic birds, american native species, and rainforest animals. -
The Electronic Zoo - Large collection of animal related internet resources presented in a fun and easy to navigate manner. Includes many links to individual zoo websites. -
Larry's Virtual Zoo - A gallery of pictures of zoo animals and an aquarium applet that makes it appear as though fish were swimming on your screen. -
Wild Ones Virtual Zoo - A education project featuring drawings made by children of animals in different parts of the world. Each drawing leads to a page about the animal including detailed information about it. -
The Big Zoo - A site that offers research, photos, and videos of many animals. -
The Zoo at Stoney Run - Photos of miniature animal figures in handmade exhibits with descriptions of how the exhibits were made. -