Hemker Wildlife Park - Freeport. Experience a wide variety of wildlife including penguins, pronghorn, reindeer, rheas, moose and woodland caribou, and waterfowl. Includes photos and visitor information. - http://www.hemkerwildlifepark.com/
Great Lakes Aquarium - Duluth. Experience over 30 interactive exhibits including glaciers, lava flows, current weather, environmental problem solving, and geology. Includes visitor information, local lake facts, and educational programs. - http://www.glaquarium.org/
Pine Grove Zoo - Nestled in a White Pines Grove in Little Falls, the zoo is home to a variety of exotic, native and domestic animals. Find out about the zoo's history, future, and events, and take a virtual tour with animal photos and descriptions. - http://www.pinegrovezoo.com/
Underwater Adventures - Bloomington at Mall of America. Visitor information, exhibit descriptions, and education program summary. - http://www.underwaterworld.com/
Como Zoo - St. Paul. General information, zoo history, animal photos and descriptions, education program and conservation project summaries and special events. - http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/parks/comozoo/czs/
Lake Superior Zoo - Duluth. Includes children's zoo. General information, zoo history, special events, education program summary, a virtual tour of exhibits, and animal photos and descriptions. - http://www.lszoo.org/
Minnesota Zoo - Apple Valley near Minneapolis and St. Paul. 2300 animals on 500 acres. General information, education program summary, webcams, a virtual tour of exhibits with animal photos and descriptions, and a kid's section with quizzes and coloring pages. - http://www.mnzoo.com/