Hydrus-2D - A software package for simulating two-dimensional movement of water, heat, and multiple solutes in variably saturated media. - http://www.pc-progress.cz/Fr_Hydrus.htm
IGWMC Groundwater Modeling Software - International Ground-Water Modeling Center distributes a large number of practical, public domain and proprietary ground-water programs, ranging from codes based on simple analytical solutions to those incorporating advanced and complex numerical techni - http://typhoon.mines.edu/software/
USGS Ground-Water Software - Computer codes designed to model various ground-water and related hydrologic and geochemical processes and to help estimate related parameters. - http://water.usgs.gov/software/ground_water.html
Discerning Systems Inc. - Hydrogeochemical exploratory and statistical tools for analysis and management of monitoring data at landfills and industrial facilities. - http://www.discerningsystems.com/
Environmental Insite - 3d groundwater visualization application for analysis and communication of environmental groundwater data. Capabilities include mapping, 2d/3d contouring, pie charts, time history charting, radial diagrams and database queries. - http://www.enviroinsite.com/
mView Numeric Modeling Support System - Visual pre- and post-processor for groundwater modeling, supporting numerous modeling codes including TOUGH, FEHM, NUFT, ASHPLUME, WAPDEG, MODFLOW/MODPATH, FRAC3DVS and SWIFT. - http://www.interaeng.ca/tech_mview.htm
Ecoseal Developments Pty Ltd - Provides software, groundwater monitoring equipment, and magnetic instruments for environmental, agriculture, mining and education sectors. - http://www.ecoseal.com/
Triwaco - Describes and offers a modular software package for modelling three-dimensional density-dependent groundwater flow, contaminant transport, and visualisation. Supports both finite element (Flairs) and finite difference (ModFlow) calculation methods. - http://www.triwaco.com/
BOSS International Groundwater Modeling Products - Offers GMS, FEFLOW, and other groundwater software programs. Also has products for hydraulics and surface water hydrology. - http://www.bossintl.com/html/groundwater_modeling_products.html
The MODFLOW help file - Resources for users of the USGS-developed MODFLOW groundwater flow modeling package: online/downloadable tutorial, reference guide, lists of online MODFLOW resources vendors, and examples of input files. - http://www.mindspring.com/~rbwinston/modhelp.htm
Waterloo Hydrogeologic - Develops and sells groundwater and environmental software for groundwater modeling, subsurface visualization, pumping test analysis, geochemistry, and natural attenuation and risk assessment. Products include Visual MODFLOW, AquiferTest, Visual Grou - http://www.waterloohydrogeologic.com/
Argus Open Numerical Environments - A family of general purpose public-domain graphical pre- and post-processors for the numerical modeler, combining GIS and numerical modeling. Includes plug-in extensions for the most widely used groundwater models, including - http://www.argusint.com/index.html
HydroSOLVE, Inc. - Developer of software tools for groundwater modeling and aquifer test analysis. - http://www.aqtesolv.com/
Environmental Simulations, Inc. - Groundwater modeling software, services, and training, including sales and technical support for WinFlow, WinTran, MODFLOW-Win32, Groundwater Vistas, and AquiferWin32. - http://www.groundwatermodels.com/
WASY Ltd. - Firm based in Germany offers groundwater simulation software and related training and support, as well as consulting in groundwater monitoring, management, and protection, surface water management and hydrology. Describes capabilities. - http://www.wasy.de/english/
FEFLOW - A finite-element simulation package for 3D and 2D density-dependent flow, mass and heat transport processes in groundwater and in the unsaturated soil. Description, pricing, and downloadable demo, from WASY Ltd. - http://www.feflow.info/
MicroFEM Groundwater Flow Modeling - Offers several programs for applications including multiple-aquifer steady-state and transient flow, aquifer test analysis, and interpretation of geo-electrical measurements with Schlumberger or Wenner configurations. Downloads available. - http://www.microfem.com/
HydroBioGeoChem 123D - For simulation of coupled non-isothermal (i.e., includes heat transfer equations) hydrologic transport and biogeochemical kinetic and/or equilibrium reactions in variably saturated media. 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional. - http://hbgc.esd.ornl.gov/
Reaction-Transport Modeling In Ground-Water Systems - USGS aqueous geochemistry codes, including PHREEQ (Speciation, Reaction-Path, Advective Transport, and Inverse Geochemical Calculations) and NETPATH (Interactive Code For Modeling Net Geochemical Reactions Along a Flow Path). - http://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled/
MODFLOW and related programs - USGS's popular modular 3D finite-difference ground-water flow model, plus pre-processors, post-processors, and adaptations for contaminant transport, and air flow. - http://water.usgs.gov/nrp/gwsoftware/modflow.html
GroundwaterSoftware.com - Purchase groundwater software now and download immediately at discounted prices. Many applications available: flow and transport modeling, slope stability analysis, landfill design, and geostatistics. - http://www.groundwatersoftware.com/