U.S. EPA - Brownfields Homepage
- Gateway to information on brownfields redevelopment and on Environmental Protection Agency programs to promote restoration and reuse of contaminated lands.
- http://www.epa.gov/swerosps/bf/
Changing Places - UK Millennium program to help local communities tackle the legacy of post-industrial decay, breathing new life into derelict and neglected land. Includes best practices information and project information and photos. - http://www.changingplaces.org.uk/
California Center for Land Recycling - Nonprofit working to repair fractured communities and discourage urban sprawl through training, technical assistance and grants for communities attempting to turn around vacant or environmentally distressed properties. - http://www.cclr.org
Brownfield Gentrification - Criticises a brownfield redevelopment in Amsterdam (Netherlands), saying the worst aspect of the project is the way it is linked to a social vision that rejects social equality. - http://web.inter.nl.net/users/Paul.Treanor/gentrification.html
Waterloo Brownfields Redevelopment Initiative - Information about U.S. EPA Brownfields Pilot in Iowa, designed to create a model for stimulating economic development, apply that model throughout the Rath Area and the City. - http://www.waterloobrownfields.com
New York Brownfields - A New York environmental lawyer's comprehensive compilation and critical review of information and materials relating to brownfields and brownfields reutilization in New York State. - http://www.ny-brownfields.com
Richmond, VA: Brownfields initiative - EPA emergency response and record of improvement for this city. - http://www.epa.gov/swerosps/bf/html-doc/ss_rich.htm
Brownfields - Northeast-Midwest Institute - Reports, program and policy analyses, summaries of pending legislative proposals, and internet links related to brownfield redevelopment in the U.S., particularly financial aspects. - http://www.nemw.org/brownfields.htm
Brownfield Cultivation - Converting a brownfield site into an eco-village in Idaho. - http://egj.lib.uidaho.edu/egj09/moses1.html
Recycling America's Land: A National Report on Brownfields Redevelopment - U.S. Conference of Mayors report on the extent of the problem of underutilized and abandoned industrial land in U.S. cities, and the potential economic and environmental benefits of reclaiming this land. - http://www.usmayors.org/uscm/news/press_releases/documents/brownfields022400_final.asp
Network for Industrially Contaminated Land in Europe - Scientific and technical information and ideas relating to all aspects of industrially contaminated land, including soil and groundwater problems. Includes announcements of upcoming conferences and events. - http://www.nicole.org/
National Brownfield Association - A nonprofit educational organization providing information to businesses, professionals, and nonprofits about the benefits of developing environmentally impaired properties. - http://www.brownfieldassociation.org/
Regional Online Brownfields Information Network - Issues, solutions, and information resources related to "land recycling" in the Great Lakes region of the U.S. and Canada. Includes numerous brownfields case studies. - http://www.glc.org/robin/
Land Regeneration Network - A forum for discussion where regional, national and international issues on land regeneration and remediating contaminated land can be raised. - http://www.grc.cf.ac.uk/lrn/
Avtex Fibers Superfund Site - About a sixty five million dollar Superfund redevelopment project in cooperation with the U.S. EPA, VADEQ, and FMC Corporation. Front Royal, Virginia. - http://www.avtexfibers.com
New Hampshire's Brownfields Law - Synopsis of Chapter 264, HB 636 which is New Hampshire's brownfields law. - http://www.state.nh.us/gencourt/bills/chaptered/97chapters/0264-hb0636.htm
St. Louis, MO: Brownfields initiative - EPA site explaining details of Missouri's major brownfield sites and work to rehabilitate and use them. - http://www.epa.gov/swerosps/bf/html-doc/stlouis.htm
Brownfields - Information about brownfields redevelopment projects in California and links to other internet resources on the topic. - http://ceres.ca.gov/planning/brownfields/index.html