Environmental Regulation of Mine Waters in the European Union (ERMITE) - Research provides integrated policy guidelines for developing European legislation and practice in relation to water management in the mining sector. Includes a summary and policy briefs. - http://www.ncl.ac.uk/environment/research/Ermite.htm
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Mining Wastes - Outlines legislative and regulatory history, and current status of the mining waste exemption. Includes supporting technical documents. - http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/other/mining/index.htm
Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Mine Lakes (CSML) - Fosters the creation of mine lakes of value to the community, environment and economy through research, education and training. Includes programs, news and events. Australia. - http://www.csml.curtin.edu.au
Sudbury Soils Study - Study to evaluate the levels of metals and chemicals such as nickel, copper, cobalt and arsenic in the local environment. Includes FAQ, news and events. Ontario, Canada.[English/French] - http://www.sudburysoilsstudy.com/
USGS Plasenzuela Project - Background and preliminary findings of a US-Spain study of the environmental impact of the Roman mineral industry at Plasenzuela, Extremadura, Spain. - http://minerals.usgs.gov/east/plasenzuela/background.html
Visual Impacts of Mining - Paper on visualization of the visual impacts of mining and quarrying. - http://www.gnest.org/Global_Issues/VisualImpacts.htm