Government Institutes/ABS Consulting - Training and publishing company. Offers live training courses and publishes books specializing in environmental, health and safety (EH&S), quality, risk management, marine, telecommunications, regulations, quality and other professional subject areas -
Critterman's World - Denny Olson, the original "Critterman", does theatrical comedy nature education, school presentations and residencies, conference performances, TV critter news, books and tapes. -
Kids in Nature's Defense - Classroom newspaper for kids in grades K-6 featuring articles, puzzles and celebrity interviews that teach children the value of showing kindness and respect to animals, the environment and one another. -
Acorn Naturalists - Environmental education resources purchase catalog for teachers, naturalists, outdoor educators, interpreters, camp leaders and homeschoolers. Information and products for all natural science subject areas. -
Creatures Great and Small - Offers educational programs on the environment and endangered species using a mobile unit, called "The Rainforest Adventure. Available to schools, fairs, and festivals. Based in Oklahoma (U.S.). -
Snakes-n-Scales and Turtle Tales - A reptile based company which presents environmental education programs for people of all ages with its emphasis on learning through enjoyment. -
Stan Slaughter, Eco-Troubadour - Teacher and seasoned performer who travels throughout the U.S. performing for children and adults at schools, museums, libraries and festivals. Combines innovative environmental education with lively, fact filled assemblies and workshops supported by cur -
Environmental Media Corporation - Design, produce, and distribute media to support environmental education for the classroom and community. -
greenenergymachine - Device to facilitate training in renewable energy concepts. -
Barton Springs Interactive - Educational site from Texas Environmental Center, covering various environmental topics. -