World Climate Research Programme - Research to develop a fundamental scientific understanding of the physical climate system and climate processes to support studies of global change. -
ArcticNet - Collaborative effort joins Canadian university researchers and government officials with scientists from Japan, Europe, Russia and the US to study the impacts of climate change in the coastal Canadian Arctic. -
NOAA Climate Program Office - Assists by sponsoring focused scientific research aimed at understanding climate variability and it predictability. -
HOLIVAR2006 Open Science Meeting London June 2006 - Global warming is one of the most urgent issues for human society in the 21st century. In this meeting we will examine how and why the natural climate system varies and assess the relative importance of natural processes and human activity in explaining g -
Professor Alex Hall's Climate Sensitivity Research Lounge - From the UCLA's Department of Atmospheric Sciences. Provides information on research, publications and courses, as well as an 'information exchange' that provides links to a range of published articles. -
CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research - Australia-based Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation studies weather, climate and atmospheric pollution. -
Center for Global Environmental Research, Japan - Conducts diverse research on the consequences of human activities on the earth system. Includes information about capabilities, projects, data, and publications. -
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme - Project from the Swedish Academy of Sciences tracks the interation of biology and chemistry of the earth as they relate to global change. -
U.S. Global Change Data and Information System (GCDIS) - A collection of distributed information systems operated by government agencies involved in global change research. Includes multidisciplinary data from atmospheric science, ecology, oceanography, economics and sociology. -
Northern Climate ExChange - Yukon-based exchange point for climate change study in the circumpolar north. Topics include climate predictions, impacts, and energy efficiency. -
US Global Hydrology and Climate Center - A joint venture between government (NASA) and academia to study the global water cycle and its effect on weather and climate. -
UK Climatic Research Unit - Widely recognised as one of the world's leading institutions concerned with the study of natural and anthropogenic climate change. Site provides a introductory-level information sheets, extensive downloadable data sets, information on research projects an -
NASA Scatterometer Climate Record Pathfinder - Microwave radar scatterometers measure wind over the ocean from space. Their data is usefule for monitoring climate conditions. This site provides access to climate record data from the Seasat, NSCAT, ERS-1/2 and SeaWinds scatterometers in image form to -
NASA: Goddard Institute for Space Studies - Includes a spotlight on global warming, and information on their research into the climate and climate modelling. -
Climate System Research Center, University of Massachusetts - Research is focused on the climate system, climate variability and global change issues, from contemporary climate variations, their causes and consequences, to paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes. Includes news of recent research. -
Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) - An inter-governmental network for the promotion of global environmental change research and links between science and policy making in the Asia-Pacific Region. -