Polar Science Center - Thinning of Arctic Ice - A comparison of sea-ice draft data acquired on submarine cruises between 1993 and 1997 with similar data acquired between 1958 and 1976. - http://psc.apl.washington.edu/thinning/thinning.html
Search: a Study of Environmental Arctic Change - Examines the Arctic Oscillation and the possible feedback processes on ecosystems. Includes details of long-term observations, models, process studies, and application of results to distinguish between climate-related changes and those due to other factor - http://psc.apl.washington.edu/search/
Consequences of Climate Change on Life in the Bering and Chukchi Seas - A report about changes Alaska Native peoples observe in their surroundings, that pose a threat to northern ecosystems and to the subsistence way of life at the heart of Yup'ik and Inupiat cultures. Records of public meetings and individual interviews comp - http://archive.greenpeace.org/climate/arctic/reports/testimonies.pdf
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment - A project of the Arctic Council and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), to evaluate and synthesize knowledge of the consequences of variability, change, and increased ultraviolet radiation. Includes links to detailed studies in PDF format, - http://www.acia.uaf.edu/