White Sharks: Filling in Our Gaps in Knowledge - Find information on a project that will enable more informed decision-making on conservation management in Australia. Contains a description of species physiology, movement patterns, and population status and protection measures. - http://www.marine.csiro.au/LeafletsFolder/35shark.html
Star - Poachers set Sights on Great Whites - Melanie Gosling describes how the species in South African waters is becoming fodder for the tourist trade and how this effects preservation efforts. - http://www.thestar.co.za/index.php?fSectionId=129&fArticleId=263257#
Sympathy for the Devil (White Shark Conservation) - Article by R. Aidan Martin discusses international conservation efforts aimed at protecting the species. Includes a summary of species ecology and photographs. - http://www.elasmo-research.org/conservation/symp.htm
South African White Shark Research Institute - A non-profit organization dedicated to the research of the world's greatest predator, and the preservation of its environment. - http://www.whiteshark.co.za/
Monterey Bay Aquarium: White Shark Conservation - Provides a summary of the plight of the species and offers videos in the Window Media Player format. - http://www.mbayaq.org/cr/cr_whiteshark/whiteshark_conservation.asp
Better Laws For Jaws - Press release describes how the Center for Marine Conservation (CMC) succeeded in securing permanent protection for California's white sharks. - http://www.netpets.com/fish/legislation/jaws.html