Ecology Research Group - The areas of active research by the Open University Ecology and Evolution Research Group. -
Ecological Society of America - A non-profit organization of scientists founded in 1915, conducting research, teaching, and working to provide the ecological knowledge needed to solve environmental problems. -
Friends of Ecological Reserves - Information about ecological reserves, the not-for-profit charitable organization and products and membership to purchase to support ecoreserves. -
Conservation Ecology - The Conservation Ecology Programme concerns itself with the quantification, conservation and management of biodiversity, particularly in relation to insects and associated ecological communities. -
International Mire Conservation Group - Promoting the conservation of mires and related ecosystems, giving information on the sustainable use of mires, red lists of European wetland plants and a link to the IMCG newsletter. -
Eco-action - Articles and background information for ecological direct action. UK and global news, links and contacts. -
The National Audubon Society - The mission of the National Audubon Society is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds and other wildlife for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity. -
Ecovolunteer - Gives the opportunity to protect nature and its inhabitants by helping local organizations with their conservation projects. -