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  Aquatic Diversity (9)

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List of Fishes in Turkish Mediterranean Sea Open in a new windowLink Details
- Temporary replacement for http://www.turkishfishbase.org Comprehensive and beautiful photographic database covering about half of the 175 species that live in 0-50 metre deep. Scientific references and excellent links to relevant databases.
- http://www.fishbase.org/Country/CountryCheckList.cfm?c_code=792

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FAO portal on Aquatic Biodiversity Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides definitions of types of aquatic ecosystems commonly used by capture fisheries and aquaculture in which aquatic biodiversity needs to be maintained; also refers to policies such as Code of Conduct on Responsible Fisheries, FAO programmes and links
- http://www.fao.org/biodiversity/Aquatic_eco_en.asp

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South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity Open in a new windowLink Details
- The scientific 'home' of the Coelacanth. Information on programmes and research initiatives. Institute formerly known as the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology.
- http://www.saiab.ru.ac.za/

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ICSF - the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers Open in a new windowLink Details
- This leading international think tank on artisanal fisheries, aquatic diversity and fishworkers, focuses on the majority, small-scale, artisanal sector. Site has links to relevant papers and all ICSF publications including SAMUDRA, their quaterly journal,
- http://www.icsf.net/

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Salmon-Safe Open in a new windowLink Details
- Non-profit organisation site with information about reducing agriculture's impacts on endangered salmon and steelhead habitat in the Pacific Northwest. Links to concerned organisations promoting GM-free products in Oregon.
- http://www.salmonsafe.org

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Fish for All Summit Open in a new windowLink Details
- Call by Civil Society for more research on sustainable productive ecosystems at watershed, inland waters and marine levels and there to be no GMOs nor IPRs in Aquaculture and Fisheries. Links to the Summit website and report.
- http://www.ukabc.org/iard/fishforall_itdg.htm

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Fishing Out Aquatic Diversity Open in a new windowLink Details
- Paper on aquatic diversity from "Seedling" the quarterly journal of Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN). Covers issues on the industrialisation of fishing and aquaculture that are destroying aquatic ecosystems and fisherpeoples' right
- http://www.grain.org/publications/jul951-en.cfm

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FishBase Open in a new windowLink Details
- A relational database with information to cater to different professionals such as research scientists, fisheries managers, and zoologists. FishBase on the web contains practically all fish species known to science.
- http://www.fishbase.org/

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World Fish Center Open in a new windowLink Details
- An international scientific and technical center, previously known as ICLARM and part of the CGIAR. Site has excellent content on all fisheries and aquatic ecosystem issues plus links to major resources including 'Fishbase' - the global aquatic organisms
- http://www.worldfishcenter.org

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