Environmental Quality Management Inc. (EQ) - A consulting firm based in Cincinnati, Ohio (with multiple offices across the USA) that provides environmental engineering and air quality services including permitting, compliance studies, NSPS reviews, and air dispersion modeling. - http://www.eqm.com/capabilites/air_dispersion_modeling.html
D&E Technical - An environmental engineering and software development company located in Champaign, Illinois, USA. Services include air dispersion modeling and hazard analysis. - http://www.detech.net/
Yamada Science & Art Corporation (YSA) - Santa Fe, New Mexico. Specializes in computer modeling of atmospheric airflows and the dispersion of airborne materials over complex terrain. Develops, markets, and provides user support for the three-dimensional atmospheric models HOTMAC and RAPTAD. - http://ysasoft.com/
Ambient Air Services, Inc. - Starke, Florida. Services include: air dispersion modeling; stack design and building downwash evaluations; toxic air pollution studies, model validation studies; and air quality impact analyses. - http://members.atlantic.net/~aasi/modeling.htm
ENSR: Environmental Consultants and Engineers - A worldwide environmental service company (headquartered in Westford, Massachusetts, USA) that has developed: dispersion models that accommodate complex terrain and aerodynamic downwash; visibility models; hazardous air pollutant dispersion models; and ot - http://www.ensr.aecom.com/
Pinchin Environmental Ltd. - A consultant group based in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada (with multiple offices in Canada) who offer air dispersion modeling services. The dispersion models utilized include Ontario Regulation 346 as well as these U.S. EPA models: Screen3, ISCST3, and AER - http://www.pinchin.com/air.htm
ECCI - ECCI is a consulting firm with offices in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. Services include consulting, Clean Air Act permitting/modeling, industrial risk, SPCC, hazardous waste and a full range of engineering services. - http://www.ecci.com
Shell Engineering & Associates - Environmental management consultants located in Columbus, Missouri, USA. Their services include: air quality monitoring; air permitting; and air dispersion modeling involved in evaluating the offsite consequences of accidental releases and of air toxics e - http://www.shellengr.com/dispersion.htm
PCR Services - An environmental consulting firm based in Southern California, USA, whose services include air dispersion modeling, stationary source permitting, and emission inventories, allotments, and mitigations. - http://www.pcrnet.com/air.htm
O'Brien and Gere - A firm of environmental consultants and engineers with corporate headquarters in Syracuse, New York and other offices nation-wide in the USA as well as Canada and the UK. Their services include air permitting, air regulation assistance and air dispersion - http://www.obg.com/Sectors/Industrial/environmental.aspx
Jim Clary & Associates - Consultants, based in Dallas, Texas, USA, whose air quality consulting includes dispersion modeling services. - http://www.jimclaryandassociates.com
Indian Institute of Technology - The Centre for Atmospheric Sciences is a research and consultancy group within the Indian Institute of Technology at Delhi, India that offers atmospheric dispersion modeling. - http://www.iitd.ac.in/center/cas/Projects.html
QED Engineering Ltd. - An environmental engineering consultancy based in Monaghan, Ireland whose air quality services include air dispersion modelling. - http://www.qedeng.ie/main3.html
Sogreah Magelis - An environmental consulting firm based in Lyon, France whose air quality services include dispersion modelling. - http://www.sogreah.fr/magelis/our_services/index.php
KCL Environmental Research Group - The Environmental Research Group (ERG) is part of Kings College London and a provider of dispersion modelling assessments for regional and local authorities, the UK Environmental Agency and private companies. - http://www.erg.kcl.ac.uk/erg/docs/Dispersion.pdf
Hyder Consulting Plc - An engineering and consulting firm headquartered in London, England, with multiple office in the UK, Europe, Asia, Australia and the Middle East, whose air quality services include air dispersion modelling. - http://www.hyderconsulting.com/specialism.aspx?typeid=2&id=56
RTI International - A research, development and consulting company headquartered in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA with multiple offices nationwide as well as worldwide. Their air quality services include atmospheric dispersion modeling. - http://www.rti.org/page.cfm?nav=382&objectid=820BD219-D9C8-4DEC-BF4F5CA089A6961C
Integral Consulting Inc. - A science and engineering consulting firm, headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, USA with four other office in the USA. Their services include air pollution dispersion modeling. - http://www.integral-corp.com/page.php?pname=capabilities/air/1
SNC-Lavalin - An engineering and construction firm with offices in Canada, the USA and worldwide. Their environmental division is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and their services include air quality modeling. - http://www.snclavalin.com/en/2_0/2_8_7.aspx
REC Ltd. - REC Ltd. is a consultancy whose air quality services include emissions monitoring, stack testing, and air dispersion modeling. The REC headquarters are in Manchester with satellite offices in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Leeds, Birmingham and Braintree. - http://www.recltd.co.uk
ADM Ltd - A consultancy based in Farnham, Surrey, England whose air quality, noise and odour services include air pollution dispersion modelling. - http://www.aboutair.com/
UTB Envirotech Kft. - Environmental consulting engineers, based in Budapest, Hungary, whose services include air dispersion modeling. - http://www.utb-enviro.com/
BMT Cordah Ltd. - An international environmental consultancy based in the UK (with other offices in Poland, the USA and Asia) whose services include air dispersion modeling using the ADMS, AERMOD, CALINE, and Screen 3 models. - http://www.bmtcordah.com/_downloads/Air%20Dispersion%20Modelling.pdf
Tonkin Consulting - Tonkin Consulting is an engineering and environmental practice, based in Adelaide, Australia, whose services include air dispersion modelling. - http://www.tonkin.com.au/what_envi.asp
The Airshed - A consulting firm based in East Linton, Lothian, Scotland that specializes in air quality, odour and noise projects. - http://theairshed.com
Weiss Associates - An environmental engineering, science and management firm headquartered in Emeryville, California, USA whose air quality services include air dispersion modeling. - http://www.weiss.com/NewFiles/reg_comp_mge.html
Payne Environmental - A firm of consulting engineers (based in New Haven, Connecticut, USA) whose air permitting and engineering services include air dispersion modeling. - http://www.paynecorp.com/svc_air.php4
EMCo Air Quality Consultants Ltd - A firm of air quality consultants, based in Reading, England, whose services include atmospheric dispersion modelling. - http://www.emcoairquality.co.uk/page3.html
Dessau-Soprin - A firm of engineering and construction consultants, headquartered in Montreal, Canada, whose air quality services include air dispersion modeling. - http://www.dessausoprin.com/eng/envDev/services.cfm
ExCAL Ltd - A firm of environmental consulting engineers and scientists (based in South Wales, UK) whose services include atmospheric dispersion modelling. - http://www.excaluk.com/services/computer.html
Heggies Pty Ltd - A multi-discipline firm of consulting engineers and scientists (with headquarters in Sydney, Australia) whose services include air dispersion modeling and other aspects of air quality. - http://www.heggies.com.au/website/content/airquality/out-dispersionmodelling.html
Lakes Environmental - Located in Ontario, Canada, this firm provides easy-to-use air dispersion and risk assessment modeling software for Windows. Their air pollution dispersion modeling software includes: ISC-AERMOD View, RMP View, SCREEN View, and SLAB View, all of which are - http://www.lakes-environmental.com/
Justice Associates - An environmental consulting firm based in Long Beach, California, USA (with branch offices in Las Vegas, Nevada and Chicago, Illinois) whose services include air dispersion modeling. - http://www.justiceassociates.com/air.htm
ENVIRON: Environmental Consultants - An international firm (headquartered in Novato, California, USA) offering services in: dispersion modeling of emissions from industrial plants and hazardous waste sites; air toxics impact studies; air pollution compliance assistance; emergency release mo - http://www.environcorp.com/practices/article.php?id=36
Stanley Environmental, Inc. - An environmental consulting firm based in Coraville, Iowa, USA and a subsidiary of the Stanley Group. Their services include air permitting, risk management plans, emission inventories and air dispersion modeling. - http://www.stanleyconsultants.com/services.php?from=Environmental
Jacques Whitford - A multi-national engineering firm (headquartered in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada) who offers air dispersion modeling in support of their environmental, geotechnical and risk management services. - http://www.jacqueswhitford.com/en/home/servicegroups/airqualitynoise/dispersiondeposition.aspx
Katestone Scientific Pty. Ltd. - Consulting firm based in Brisbane, Australia that offers air dispersion modeling services, using these models: AUSPLUME, AUSMET/AUSPUFF, LADM, TAPM, CALMET/CALPUFF, and the U.S. EPA's ISC models. - http://www.katestone.com.au/assess.html
FaberMaunsell - FaberMaunsell is an international, multi-disciplinary consultancy (located in St. Albans, Herts, UK) whose environmental services include air dispersion modeling. - http://www.fabermaunsell.com/MarketsAndServices/39/02/index.jsp
Aromatrix Pte Ltd - An odour control/abatement/design consultancy located in Singapore whose services include air dispersion modeling. - http://www.aromatrix.com/products_consultancy_adm.htm
Northern Environmental and Monitoring Services (N.E.M.S.) - NEMS offers environmental, health and safety consulting services and their dispersion modeling expertise ranges from single stacks to multiple sources, spills and traffic pollution. NEMS is located in Darlington, England and uses the UK Atmospheric Disper - http://www.sheservices.co.uk/
North American Weather Consultants - Meteorological consultants (located in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA) who offer extensive experience in performing dispersion modeling for: simple, complex or intermediate terrain; single or multiple emission points; and buoyant or dense gas releases. - http://www.nawcinc.com/aq.html
MSES Consultants - An environmental consulting firm providing services in the areas of planning, engineering, safety, industrial hygiene, the earth and environmental sciences, design and regulatory assistance. The firm is located in Clarksburg, West Virginia, USA. - http://www.msesconsultants.com/
Dispersoft Consultants Inc. - A consulting firm headquartered in Sillery, Quebec, Canada, that offers service in air pollution dispersion modeling as well as other unrelated fields. - http://pages.infinit.net/aboilard/
Consulting Air Pollution Modelers - A consulting group (located in North Clayton, Victoria, Australia) who provide: air pollution dispersion and consequence modeling services; complex terrain modeling; meteorological services; and training in dispersion modeling. The models used include AU - http://www.camm.net.au
Trinity Consultants - A consulting firm based in Dallas, Texas, USA whose services include consulting, software, and training in the fields of air quality, dispersion modeling, permitting, compliance, Clean Air Act, environmental management information systems and industrial - http://www.trinityconsultants.com/Services.asp?C=3&S=15&T=14
RWDI Consulting Engineers and Scientists - Rowan Williams Davies and Irwin Inc. (RWDI) are a Canadian firm of consulting engineers and scientists. Their services include wind engineering, air quality studies, microclimate, snow engineering, hazard and risk studies and acoustics. - http://www.rwdi.com/
Slovnaft VURP - An applied research institute located in Bratislavia, Slovak Republic whose services include air dispersion modeling using the CFD program called Fluidyn-PANACHE. - http://www.vurup.sk/english/products/proc3/english.html
Air Resource Specialists Inc. - Located in Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA, this firm provides comprehensive air modeling, permitting, and compliance support to industrial, commercial, and government clients. - http://www.air-resource.com
E & E, Inc. - Environment and Ecology, Inc. is an environmental consulting and engineering company headquartered in Lancaster, NY with other offices nation-wide in the USA. Their services include air permitting, compliance studies, impact assessments and air dispersion - http://www.ene.com/services/air_quality.asp
Argent Consulting Services - An environmental engineering and consulting firm headquartered in Houston, Texas, USA and offering services in air dispersion modeling, air permitting and compliance, and risk management plans. - http://www.argentinc.com/consulting/consulting_air_02.asp
Anvil Corporation - Engineering and design company headquartered in Bellingham, Washington, USA with other offices in the states of Washington, Montana and Alaska. Services include air dispersion modeling in support of air permitting, BACT and T-BACT analyses, and complianc - http://www.anvilcorp.com
PPM Consultants Inc. - Environmental consultants based in the south and southeastern United States (Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida) whose services include air dispersion modeling, air permitting, risk management plans, and emission inventories. - http://www.ppmco.com/services.asp
Secor International Inc. - An engineering consulting firm headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA (with other offices nation-wide) whose services include air quality management and regulatory compliance. - http://www.secor.com
The Titan Group - Consultants based in Carrollton, Texas, USA who offer dispersion modeling services for: air toxic evaluations and risk assessments; demonstrating compliance with air quality standards; evaluation of accidental releases; stack height studies; new facility - http://www.titanengineering.com/air.html
Mactec - Headquartered in Alpharetta, GA, USA, with other offices nationwide, Mactec's engineering and consulting services include air pollution dispersion modeling in support of their environmental services. - http://www.mactec.com/Services/Environmental/AirResources.aspx
El Dorado Engineering - A consulting and design firm (located in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA) whose services include air dispersion modeling. - http://www.eldoradoengineering.com/enviro.htm
Davis & Floyd - A firm of engineering and environmental consultants based in Greenwood, South Carolina, USA whose services include air dispersion modeling for: air permitting, evaluating toxic air emission impacts, evaluating compliance with air quality standards, and ri - http://www.davisfloyd.com/airqualitymgmt.html
Arup - A worldwide engineering firm (with home office in London, England) whose environmental services include air dispersion studies using the AERMOD and UK-ADMS models. - http://www.arup.com/environment/skill.cfm?pageid=1636
Source Environmental Science - An environmental consulting firm, located in Houston, Texas, USA, whose air quality services include: air pollution dispersion modeling, air emission inventories, and air permitting. - http://www.source-environmental.com/source.htm
ODOTECH - A firm of odor-related consultants (located in Montreal, Canada) whose services include air pollution dispersion modeling. - http://www.odotech.qc.ca/polair/pdfpolair.html
Odour Monitoring Ireland - Odour abatement specialists located in Trim, County Meath, Ireland whose services include air and odour dispersion modelling using ISCST3, AERMOD, ADMS3.1 and Calpuff. - http://www.odourireland.com
Kinectrics - A consulting firm based in Toronto, Canada who offers air dispersion modeling in support of their electric power generation services. - http://www.kinectrics.com/en/serviceline/AirQualityModelling.html
Vision Environmental, Inc. - Environmental consultants based in Massachusetts and Michigan in the USA. Their services include the use of air dispersion modeling for risk assessments, air permitting, air toxics evaluations, and New Source Reviews. - http://www.visionenvironmental.com/main.html
JBR Environmental Consultants - A regional consulting firm, headquartered in Sandy, Utah, USA and with other offices in the states of Nevada and Idaho, whose services include: air pollutant dispersion modeling, emission inventories, air permitting, and risk management. - http://www.jbr-env.com/services/air_quality.html
Air Consulting and Engineering Solutions (ACES) - Environmental engineering consultants located in Houston, Texas, USA whose services include air permitting, air pollution control, Clean Air Act compliance, and air dispersion modeling. - http://www.aces-llc.com/
ABS Consulting Inc. - An international firm (headquartered in Houston, Texas, USA) providing engineering, and technological services for analyzing and managing hazards, risk, and safety as well as minimizing environmental impacts. Their air dispersion models, offered from th - http://www.absconsulting.com/midas/advantage.html
EXSIM - Shell Oil and Tel-Tek offer consulting studies involving the EXSIM mathematical model that predicts the overpressure (explosion) generated by the accidental release and ignition of a gas cloud in a congested area of an industrial plant onshore, or offshor - http://www.exsim-consultants.com/
Atlantic Environmental Technologies, Inc. - An environmental engineering and sciences company, based in Sandwich, Massachusetts, USA, whose air quality services include dispersion modeling. - http://www.atlanticcompanies.com/ade/air.html
CTEH - The Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health is a consulting firm based in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA whose environamental services in include air dispersion modeling using the SAFER dispersion model. - http://www.cteh.com/services/chemical/
O'Connor Associates - An engineering and consulting company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada (with multiple offices across Canada) whose air quality services include air dispersion modeling. - http://www.oconnor-associates.com/services/air-subpage.htm
Consultants on Air Resources Management - A firm based in Hungary that provides atmospheric environmental impact assessments for Central Europe based on local meteorological data and relevant models. - http://www.levegokornyezet.hu
EnviroMet - An air quality consulting firm located in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, USA, whose services include air permitting, air dispersion modeling, emissions estimation, site evaluations, regulatory analysis, and human health and ecological risk assessments. - http://www.enviromet.net/capabilities.shtml
Enstec Services - Environmental consultants, headquartered in Cambridge, England, whose services include numerical air dispersion modeling as well as wind tunnel modeling - http://www.netcomuk.co.uk/~ss_ens/enstec.html#Dispersion
Associated Environmental Engineers Pvt. Ltd. - An environmental engineering firm based in Gujarat, India, whose consulting services include air pollutant dispersal modeling. - http://www.aeepl.com/environmental.htm
Steigers Corporation - An environmental consulting firm (located in Littleton, Colorado, USA) whose services include air dispersion modeling. - http://www.steigers.com/
Environmental Engineering Solutions, P.C. - Environmental Engineering Solutions is an environmental engineering consulting firm, based in Westchester, New York, USA, whose services include air dispersion modeling. - http://www.eespc.com/
Environmental Engineering Studies, Inc. - An environmental engineering firm (located in Carlsbad, California, USA) whose consulting services include air dispersion modeling studies. - http://www.envengstudies.com/air_quality.htm
Conversion Technology Inc. - A firm of environmental, health and safety consultants based in Norcross, Georgia, USA whose services include air dispersion modeling, air permitting and compliance, and air toxics assessments. - http://www.conversiontechnology.com/aq.html
Air & Noise Compliance - An air quality and acoustic consulting firm (based in Plaistow, New Hampshire, USA) whose services include air dispersion modeling. - http://airandnoise.com/AirPrimer.html
Brenk Systemplanung GmbH - An environmental engineering and consulting firm based in Aachen, Germany whose services include air dispersion modeling. - http://www.brenk.com/system/main.htm
AlphaTRAC Inc. - A consulting firm located in Westminster, Colorado, USA that offers atmospheric dispersion modeling including dense gases, hazardous releases and complex terrain. - http://www.alphatrac.com/