Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research Research Glaciology Group, University of Colorado - Research and reference information on ice-flow dynamics and calving, sub-glacial and englacial hydrology, permafrost, glaciers and sea-level change, climate change and glacier mass balance, heat exchange within snow packs, and related topics. -
INQUA Commission on Glaciation - The goal of the Commission on Glaciation is to explore and develop scientific cooperation for the study of past glaciation and present glacier processes. -
Sang De Brabander's Homepage - Describes glaciological research of Antarctic ice sheets and ice streams by numerical modelling: focus on basal processes, including subglacial hydrology and till deformation. Also: field expeditions to Central Asian glaciers. -
Stockholm University Glaciology - Describes research activities, the Tarfala Research Station, and glaciers the group has studied; lists group members; and provides photos, data, and publications. -
Satellite Images: Glaciers - US Geological Survey Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World. -
Peter Knight's Glaciers - Information, photos, and links on glaciers, glacial environments and glacial geomorphology. Also additional resources for users of the book "Glaciers". -
Glaciology, Alfred Wegener Institute - Topics include introduction to glaciology; studies of ice sheet volume and glacier mass balance of glaciers by means of modelling, geophysical reconnaissance and field studies; and reconstruction of climate history from ice core analysis. -
Glacier Image Database - A collection of photographs illustrating glaciation and its effects upon the earth's surface. -
World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) - Source of information on glaciers and their fluctuations worldwide. World Glacier Inventory contains data on the spatial distribution of glaciers. Fluctuations of Glaciers and Mass Balance Bulletin document changes over time (changes in mass, vol -
Centre for Glaciology, University of Wales, Aberystwyth - Research focus is on glaciology and glacial geology. Staff expertise and research areas include relation between glaciers and climate and interactions between glaciers and the marine environment. -
All About Glaciers - Links to glacier research and projects, glacier facts, questions and answers, a glossary, gallery, bibliography and links to glacier information on the Web. -
Glaciology at the University of Copenhagen - Climate research through ice core drillings (including logistics and instrumental development), analysis of chemical and physical parameters and modelling. Other topics: Studies of ice rheology and studies of extraterrestrial ice. -
Park Geology Tour - Glaciers - Links to U.S. National Parks featuring alpine glaciers, glacial landforms, and Ice Age flood landforms. -
Michael Studinger's Homepage - Geophysical and glaciological research on the Antarctic continent with aerogeophysical measurements. -
USGS Benchmark Glaciers - Long-term program to monitor climate, stream runoff, and the motion, mass balance, and geometry of glaciers at a few sites in Alaska and Washington State. Data are used to understand glacier-related hydrologic processes and improve prediction of water re -
The Crevasse Zone - Glaciological data collected on the Juneau Icefield, Alaska. Focuses on GPS-derived surface velocity, surface elevations, and strain rates. -