Hopson, J. - Vertebrate paleontology, particularly the evolutionary history of the Synapsida, morphology and systematic of non-mammalian synapsids (University of Chicago). - http://pondside.uchicago.edu/oba/faculty/hopson_j.html
Richtsmeier, J. T. - Primate and hominid quantitative morphometrics, evolution of development, and the developmental basis of morphology (Pennsylvania State University). - http://oshima.anthro.psu.edu/index.html
Teaford, M. F. - Dental microwear, hominid paleontology and paleobiology (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine). - http://expertise.cos.com/cgi-bin/exp.cgi?id=200198
Ruff, C. B. - Evolution of the hominid post-cranial skeleton, biomechanics, locomotion (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine). - http://expertise.cos.com/cgi-bin/exp.cgi?id=261304
Rose, K. D. - Functional anatomy and evolution of Eocene mammals (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine). - http://expertise.cos.com/cgi-bin/exp.cgi?id=261300
Ward, C. V. - Paleoanthropology, hominoid biomechanics, and Miocene radiation of apes (University of Missouri). - http://rcp.missouri.edu/carolward/index.html
Holbrook, L. - Phylogeny and evolution of perissodactyls and other mammals (Rowan University, New Jersey) - http://users.rowan.edu/~holbrook/
Hopson, J.A. - Synapsid evolution, morphology, and systematics (University of Chicago and Field Museum of Natural History). - http://pondside.uchicago.edu/ceb/faculty/hopson.html
Wood, C.B. - Origin, definition, and evolution of early mammals (Providence College). - http://www.providence.edu/bio/faculty/wood/index.html
Flynn, J. - Mammalian paleontology and paleomagnatism, (Field Museum of Natural History). - http://pondside.uchicago.edu/ceb/faculty/flynn.html
Van Valen, L. - Mammal evolution (University of Chicago and Field Museum of Natural History). - http://pondside.uchicago.edu/ceb/faculty/vanvalen.html
Clemens, W.A. - Mammalian evolutionary paleobiology, ((University of California Museum of Paleontology). - http://ib.berkeley.edu/faculty/clemensw.html
Barnosky, A.D. - Mammalian evolutionary paleobiology (University of California Museum of Paleontology). - http://ib.berkeley.edu/faculty/barnoskya.html